Chapter Ten

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"My problem is that no one needs me as much
as I need them." - Unknown

Chapter Ten
The Ballad Of Me And My Death

I couldn't stop crying, I just wanted to runaway from everything, all of my problems, all of the looks. All of these stupid feelings that I don't understand. I was having a bad night, I couldn't control anything anymore.

Everything was swirling out of control and I was letting it all destroy my life.

I rock back and forth in the middle of my bedroom floor, tears streaming down my face while I kept screaming. Everything was getting bad again but this time it wasn't Amara I had to worry about, it was me.

Another note was left on my bed when I got home and I couldn't even think about sleeping alone in this house without crying.

Mason Bishop, what a wonderful choice mouse. This will be a fun game - The Cat

Cage knew who Mason was and now he could be in danger, all because of me. Gosh I couldn't do this, I just wanted all the games to end, I wanted my parents back, I wanted Amara to still be alive. And what hurt the most is knowing that none of this will ever happen.

"I'm a disappointment to everyone," I cried out, bringing my hands through my hair in anger. I disappointed my parents but most of all I disappointed Amara, I failed them.

I scream out, stomping my foot and tugging at my hair in frustration, "You have to stop tearing yourself apart," His deep voice seemed to bounce off the walls and I jumped to my feet, spinning around to face him.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and brushed his thumb across my jaw gently, "I-I can't, I'm too sensitive and I cry too much and I failed, I failed at being a sister," I cry out, throwing my hands up in the air.

The room went silent until I felt his warm touch under my chin, making me look up and meet his dark swirling brown eyes, "Tessie, you are nothing close to a failure, you have to learn that," He whispered and I started shaking my head.

"I-I can't! I can't because I feel like a mess and I don't know what to do. All I want his to curl up in a ball with french fries and some ice cream and never talk to anyone ever again," I cry but he shot me a look, "Ok, everyone but you and I just want to stop crying but I cant and oh hippos I cry too much and get attached to easily but everyone leaves me. They always do," I word vomit while sobbing and the whole time he stared at me.

He brushed the hair out of my face and kissed the side of my head, "I'll never leave Tessie, neither will the others," He whispered and I hiccup, feeling my chest rise and fall rapidly from sobbing so hard.

"What if you get sick of me?" I ask, pouting my lip and closing my eyes, breathing in his scent. I promise I'm not some kind of creeper person, he just smells really good and sharp calming me down.

okiee maybe I am a creeper person, but only for Mason!

That just makes me sound worse, but I couldn't help it. Mason made everything seem so sunny and rainbows even though he was like a storm cloud that shot lightning bolts at people he doesn't like. which is basically everyone.

He held me in his arms, pulling me into his chest tightly, "Impossible," He muttered and I felt my eyes close, my head stopped pounding and I was calm.

Picking me up he lied me on my bed and lied down next to me, wrapping his arm around his waist, "I don't think its humanly possible to get sick of you Tessie, you the rainbow after the storm," He whispers before cursing under his breath, "Shit that was gay." He muttered and I giggle, lying my head against his chest.

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