Chapter Thirteen

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"All the broken hearts in
the world still beat." - Ingrid Michaelson

Chapter Thirteen
Hell Here

My head was pounding and I groan out in pain. Rolling over I slap a hand to the pillow next to my head. A small hiss of pain sounded from next to me and I shot up in bed, my eyes wide as I search the room quickly.

Another tired groan sounded from beside me and I grab the pillow my head was just lying on, holding it tightly in my hand I smack the persons head. He hissed out and suddenly I was pinned down to the bed and a tired looking Mason hovered over me.

I send him a sheepish grin, "So, hows the weather?" I whisper but all he did was narrow his eyes at me. His hair was messy and sticking out in every direction.

"Tessie." He growled out in a sleepy voice and I shivered underneath him. A small smirk creeped onto his lips and he leaned down.

My breath hitched in my throat and he smirked wider, "Um - Uh, what happened? Where am I?" I question, my voice coming out just below a whisper.

He buried his head in my neck and breathed in deeply, he closed his eyes and I felt his eyelashes brush across my bare shoulder, causing me to shiver under him involuntarily.

"Well Tessie, I had to hunt you down through the school since Grayson was worried when he saw you in the hall all bruised up," He says, his lips moving against my sin. And let me tell you it was doing crazy things to me.

Heck, him being this close to me was literally driving me insane.

I frown and everything came back like a flood, "You left." I mumble and I felt my heart beat escalate when he placed a small kiss on my shoulder, "Even when you told me you wouldn't." I add on in a small voice.

He stayed quiet and it scared me because when Mason was quiet he was either in deep thought or angry and both were dangerous.

He sighed and rolled off of me, landing right next to me on the bed and we just lied there in complete silence, "I had to take care of some things out of town, I'm sorry Tessie." He mumbled and my heart skipped.

Was Cage actually right?

Time ticked by slowly and my hands felt clammy, I really didn't want to ask him but I knew I'd have to, "Are you in a gang?" I blurt and the atmosphere in the room changed instantly.

Mason sat up quickly, his eyes wide while his jaw was clenched. I chewed on my bottom lip and felt my stomach drop when he didn't answer.

"Cage was right." I mutter under my breath and suddenly he had me pinned again, but not in a playful way. His eyes burned with anger and I gulped loudly.

His eyes were narrowed on me, "Cage Daniels? I fucking knew it was too good to be true," He snapped, rolling off of me and jumping off the bed quickly, as if I were some type of disease, "Of course he'd send a pretty girl like you to play innocent and try to get information from me." He shouted and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"You fucking traitor!" He screamed, throwing his fist into a wall and the tears kept coming. I sob and shake my head, I turn my back to him and run, I run as fast as I can.

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