Chapter Nineteen

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"Everybody is let searching and searching, but do they ever find what their looking for?"
Chapter Nineteen
I Need Help But How

Everyone in the classroom stared as Ms. Pine had a stare down with Blake, who was extremely high right now after eating some weed brownies with me - I accidentally forgot to tell him about the weed part.

I say hiding in the back of the classroom, both Mason and Grayson sat in front of me snickering at their friend.

"Why are your eyes red?" She questioned and I watched as Blake tried to hide the grin on his face.

He chewed his lip, "Allergies," He replies coolly, sending a wink my way.

Both the Bishop brothers turned in their seats and stared at me, causing a grin to take over my face instantly.

"Allergies to what?" She snapped.

Blake lost it and broke into laughter, and that's what broke me and caused me to go into a laughing fit.

"That dank kush," He retorts without thinking before busting into another fit of laughter.

"Hell yea!" Me. Pine says.

The students snickered and Blake winked at me again while raising his eye brows, "Hell yea!" He cheered.

Mason stared at me while Grayson asked, "Tessa, what did you do?"

I cry out, "Why do you think I have anything to do with this!" I cried.

Grayson snickered while Mason continued to stare at me with questioning eyes, "Because you and Blake are both high as kites,"

"Hell yea!" I blurt before slapping a hand over my mouth, my eyes widening.

That seemed to break Mason and he let a small crooked smile to take over his lips, "I made brownies," I state.

"How many?" Mason asked while Grayson was in hysterics, slapping at Mason's arm.

I grin widely, "Blake weaked out at five and I had eight," I state.

Mason's eyes widened and his jaw dropped, "How are you alive? Your so tiny!" He says while Grayson was now laughing harder, it was that laugh where no noise came out but you could hear him wheezing while he clutched his stomach.

I shrug my shoulders, "I eat a lot, judge me," I state, "By the fourth one I forgot there was any dope in there," I added.

Grayson like died. He started choking and Mason had to slap his back to help him breathe, he was laughing too hard he cut off oxygen. Only a Bishop could do such a thing.

I roll my eyes at the boys and stroll out of the classroom silently when the bell rang, indicating last period.

I march through the halls and knock into someone, causing us to both hit the ground - hard.

Rolling over I squeeze my eyes shut and sneeze when arms wrapped around me and pushed me gently off the other person.

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