Chapter 5// The New Friend

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Dawn's POV

Ugh, I was so tired. I didn't wanna go to school today, but I wanted to go to school because we have a new student in our grade! Yay! But also not yay. Because what if she's like a diva and super rude. Or she could be like June and I super shy and stuff! I just hope June and I will have a new friend to hang out with.

Ok I'm ready for school now I gotta go because I'm almost late!

I drove to school but June said she had a ride. Probably her mom.

Ring ring!

Oh my gosh! Just in time. I'm here, phew. That was way to close. Gotta go to meet the new girl.
"H-h-hey. Im uh, I'm Kylee. Are you a senior? Because I'm new here..." said Kylee the new girl.
"O-oh hi I'm D-Dawn I get shy... well I'm one of the shyest people in this school. Haha, um come with me I can take you to your first class. What do you have?" I said shyly.
"I h-have uh... math first..." she said so quietly.
"Oh! Ok. I have math too come on follow me," I said bringing her with me to math.
Oml im SO SORRY this was SUPER short but consider this a "Part 1" I PROMISE it'll come soon. I just didn't want to upload nothing. Sorry, bye💕🏹

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