Chapter 12

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Ezra's pov

"So that leads to how I found Kanan." I say. Everyone stays silent not knowing what to say. I don't blame them, I mean I saw my dead parents after 8 years on the streets. "So that's how you got your wings?" Hera asks me. I nod and try to turn my head to look at them.

"What do I do with these?" I ask them. "I think it's best you hide them so the Empire won't find out." Kanan says. "Yeah we don't want an actual dark side user to find out your an angel." Rex says. "I understand but what about know lighting up thing?" I ask.

"Well since you light up from your emotion, there's not much you could do. But in public, you must make sure you don't get too sad or mad." Kanan says. "Hopefully I could do that." I whisper but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Trust us kid, you will control it, and if not then your secret will go out and you will be hunted down." Zeb says. "Zeb!!!" Everyone shouts. "What?" He asks. He isn't wrong, if the Empire found out then not only would I be hunted down, but everyone else would be too.

Great. Just when I thought we were going to go back to our normal lives on the ghost. Now they have to worry about me with my wings and new powers. All of a sudden I start to turn a bluish color again. While in the middle of Zeb's arguing with everyone else, they notice me and their jaws drop.

"What does the blue mean again?" Sabine asks. "It mean that Zeb made him sad." Kanan says. "I can't believe you would think it was me." Zeb says in a sad tone. "You make it sound like your life is awful. Mine was terrible in the clone wars." Kanan says tearing up.

"Mine was too when my mom died." Hera says tearing up too. "My family abandoned me so you guys aren't the only ones." Sabine says crying. "I can't believe everything we did during the clone wars. All those Jedi killed because of us." Rex says putting his hands on his face.

Everyone then starts to sob like crazy. This is just amazing. I made everyone upset. I then leave them and go into my room. I lay on my bed face down. Maybe they would be better off without me. I get off my bed and take out my diary, I mean journal.

I write about the pros and cons of being here. A pro is that my friends are like my family. A con is that I will be putting my family in danger. I already did with the whole Alex thing. I was about to write some more pros and cons till Kanan knocked on the door.

"Ezra are you in there?" He asks through the door. I don't answer at first. I didn't feel in the mood to talk. "We're sorry that we got upset like that. We weren't paying attention when you left." He says. That's when I decide to talk. "Kanan it wasn't your fault you guys got upset it's my fault. My lighting up thing made you sad because I was sad." I say.

"So you are in there. Can I come in or are we going to just keep talking to a door?" He asks me. I sigh and open the door. "It's not your fault Ezra." Kanan says when he walks in. "Yes it is. Zeb's right I will be hunted down if the Empire found out about me." I say.

"I know but it will just take time for you to control your abilities." He says. "How long? Till I get caught? Till you get caught because of me? I don't want that to happen Kanan." I say. "Ezra take a deep breath it will be ok." He says.

I then take a deep breath like he told me to. But once I breath out, cold air goes out making Kanan freeze. What the? I put my hand over my mouth. What did I just do? I take my hand off my mouth and look at Kanan.

"Kanan? Can you hear me?" I ask him. But he doesn't say anything. I gasp in horror. Oh my gosh I just froze my master!!!!!! I start to pace back and forth. What do I do? What do I do?!?!?

That's when Zeb comes in and shouts in shock. "Karabast!!!! What happened?!?!" He shouts looking at Kanan. "I don't know I just froze him somehow." I say shaking. "I thought your only power was lighting up." He says. I shrug not knowing myself.

"What do we do?" I ask him. "I don't know it's your power." He says. "Ok ok umm....maybe I should breath out again to unfreeze him." I say. I immediately breath out again and this time heat comes out unfreezing Kanan.

He looks drenched in water and is shivering like crazy. "W-w-what j-just h-happened?" He asks still shivering. "I'm so sorry Kanan I didn't mean to do that." I say. "Let's just get you to the med bay." Zeb says and helps him walk out of my room.

I cannot believe I did that. How many new powers do I have? In my room, I could hear gasps of shock in the other room. This is going to be tough to get used to.

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