Chapter 2

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Ezra's pov

"So that's what happened." Kanan says after he told me everything. I just sat there. I didn't know what to say. I just looked at everyone in shock. How could this have happened? "Is Alex still here?" I ask them. "We closed the portal." Hera says. "We are pretty sure he is gone."

"Why didn't you guys tell me about this?" I ask. "We were afraid that you would freak out." Sabine says. No kidding. "What do you think I'm doing now?" I ask. "What does he even want with me?"

"We told you he might want to turn you to the dark side." Kanan says. "Yeah but the memory that I was having in your room was him telling me that I was the light." I say. "The light?" Zeb asks me. "Yeah what does that mean?" I ask. Kanan looks down thinking this through.

"I don't know maybe that's what the spirits see all angels as." Kanan says. "But they are gone now so let's just not worry about it anymore." Zeb says. "Just wish I could remember everything." I say. "We know Ezra, since you got one memory back than you will eventually get them all back." Kanan says.

I nod even though I don't entirely agree with him. "Specter 2 I'm going to need a pick up." We hear a voice say through Hera's com. Rex. It's about time, he's been gone for a day now. "Alright we'll be there soon." Hera says. Rex went on a "important " solo mission that none of us know about. Only Hera knows where he is and what he is doing.

"Have to admit, it's been quiet without Rex here." Kanan says. "Yeah because you and Rex always fight." I mumble. Kanan doesn't hear me, good thing. "I'll get the ghost ready for the pick up." Hera says. "Zeb did you fill up the ship with fuel?" She ask him. Zeb's eyes suddenly widen. "Wait what?" He asks.

We all groan. "Zeb did you seriously forget?" Sabine asks him. "Hey it's not my fault!!! We don't even have fuel." Zeb says. "We ran out?" Hera asks. Please don't say it.......please don't say it. "I guess we will have to go on a supply run then." Hera says. I saw that coming.

"I don't think there's a market that sells fuel here anymore." Kanan says. "Oh I guess we can't have a supply run then." I say. "Not here, we could steal from an imperial base." Sabine says. Wow totally better. "Maybe we will need the coordinates for that and everyone needs to wake up early." Hera says.

Zeb then gasps. "What?!?!?" He shouts. "You heard her buddy." Kanan says with a smile. "I'll take the phantom to get Rex and tomorrow we will use it for our mission." Hera says and goes up the ladder leading to the phantom. "Can I come?" I ask her. "Uhh no you stay here." She says with a scared expression on her face.

She then goes into the phantom. "Why couldn't I go? Is the mission really that secret?" I ask. They all look down. "What?" I ask. "Nothing." They all say and walk out of the common room. They are all hiding something, and I'm going to find out what it is.

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