Chapter Twenty-One: Nighttime Adventures (Valnetines day special)

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Alois' POV

I stepped out the carriage, still weak kneed from today's previous events. It brought back bad memories... I had been bound and gagged before, more to point, I had seen a pile of dead bodies before...
I went straight to my room after that, wishing to be left alone.
"Yes, your highness."
"I know it will! Yeah! You're terrific, so you'll get a terrific lot of wishes."
Luka, laying amongst the bodies of the deceased, body charred and blackened, eyes dead, but a strangely content expression on his face. You could still smell smoke in the air, as well as burnt flesh, hair and clothes. It was the kind of smell that made you gag, made your eyes water and bile rise up your throat. Tears were pricking at my eyes and the only sounds I could make were strangled moans and yelps.

I sat bolt upright, tears streaming down my face and my hair glued to my forehead with sweat. I gasped for air I didn't need, sending myself into a brief coughing fit, making a scraping, rasping sensation in my throat.
I stumbled out of bed, tripping and falling, landing on my side on the wooden floor with a barely audible thump. "Luka..." I mumbled hoarsely, wrapping my arms around myself, shaking. I could still smell the singed corpses and burning buildings, and I could still feel the presence of a the dead bodies. I was still half in the dream.
"******, Alois?" Someone mumbled, walking over to where I lay quivering and sobbing on the ground, the memories clinging to me like cigar smoke. "Alois!" Someone shouted, completing my transition into the real world.
With the real world came the real pain, and my head began to throb from where I'd hit it. I groaned and pushed myself up, holding the aching area.
Ciel knelt down in front of me, a worried lapis blue eye gazing down at me. "Let me get something cold, stay there," he ordered, his expression stern, though I doubted I would have been too tempted to move anyway.
It was relatively dark, though there was a candle on my bedside dresser, filling the room with a dim, warm light. I could assume it was in the evening.
Ciel returned with ice wrapped in a tea-towel (sorry, I tried looking up how someone would have dealt with a minor head injury in the Victorian era but I could find anything) and I pushed myself to my feet, just about keeping my balance.
Ciel gently held the freezing object to my head, silent. I could feel my cheeks burning, out of embarrassment and because I had slight romantic feelings for Ciel, but he obviously didn't love me back. Having said that, even if he did, it would be illegal, and we would both be arrested for such "sinful" or "unholy" acts. It wasn't a very excepting world we lived in...
After about two minutes the ice was beginning to melt, and I was beginning to drift off again. "Do you feel dizzy?" Ciel asked, which was a justified question.
"No, I-I'm fine..." That was a phrase I was using a lot these days. Ciel then sighed, his expression changing to that of regret or guilt.
"I'm sorry if this is because of today. I don't know what came over me, and I didn't mean to upset you," Ciel stated. I forced a weak smile.
"No, i-it wasn't you, i-it doesn't matter..." I stuttered. It sort of was Ciel, but as he said, he hadn't meant to open old wounds, and I really needed to let this all go anyway... I had been holding onto these memories for so long, and they had been eating away at me for all that time...
"Would you like some tea?" Ciel offered. I shook my head, I wasn't thirsty.
"No thank you."

As soon as my head hit the pillow I felt incredibly awake again, like I had just had a large quantity of sugar.
I lay awake for ages, just staring at the door for no real reason, when it opened, though, much to my relief, it was merely Ciel.
"Did I wake you?" I questioned.
"No, sleeping is only a luxury for a demon, not a necessity, I just came to check on you, I always do," I felt my cheeks heat up slightly at the fact I wasn't aware of either of the things he had just mentioned.
"Do you wish to have a walk in the gardens?" He asked. I shrugged, seeing nothing better to do, I probably wouldn't get to sleep after all.
I grabbed my jacket, shoes and socks, just tugging them on myself, whilst Ciel got the keys to the door.

The night air was crisp and fresh, and the the sky was like a deep blue, velvet dress, the stars the twinkling diamonds that adorned it and the moon, the main focus, a giant, sparkling jewel.
The cold air bit at my face, and burned slightly at my lungs, and the flowers swayed gently in the breeze.
"You've done a lovely job with the garden," I commented. Ciel looked away, his cheeks turning slightly pink.
"There's really no need to flatter me Alois. It's my job," he stated.
We sat on a bench by a fountain, the calming sound of running water filling the garden. A weeping willow was sat behind the fountain, and patches of bluebells on either side. It was beautiful.
It was just me and Ciel. Alone. No one to disturb us. Despite all the scenery, despite the flowers and the fountain, despite the night sky, Ciel was still the most handsome thing in this garden.
His ivory skin, navy hair and eye and attire of the same hue looked awe-inspiring with the baby blues of the blue bells and the rich sapphire of the sky. I had to force myself not to stare. There wasn't words in our primitive language to describe how he looked.
I was resisting so many urges, keeping so many feelings under the surface, and well, I couldn't take it. "Please don't hate me for this," I whispered, before locking lips with Ciel.
To my surprise he was quick to kiss back, and whoever help me, it was amazing. My heart sped up, my entire body grew warm, and I was hit with an indescribable wave of pleasure. At that point I didn't care if it was illegal, I didn't care if it was wrong, I didn't care if we got locked up for it, all I cared about was the fact it was happening here and now. It felt like it was only me and Ciel, the rest of the world left behind.
Breaking away was annoying and depressing, but we needed to breath, the spell broken. I found myself looking longingly into Ciel's lapis eyes, wanting more.
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I asked. Ciel smirked.
"No, but I scraped my knee crawling out of hell."
And then it started all over, I was on my back, Ciel was kissing me, and I was kissing back. The euphoria was unlike anything I'd ever known, I could feel my whole body buzzing, begging for more.
We continued until the moon was high in the sky and we were both tired. Any bad events long forgotten. "Shall we return to the manor now Alois?" Ciel asked, getting off me.
"Yes please," I agreed, sitting up.
Ciel took my hand in his and led me back to my room, where helped me with my jacket, socks and shoes, so I was back in only my night shirt. Just before Ciel turned to leave I tugged on his jacket. "Yes Alois?"
"Can you stay?" I requested, looking up at him. Ciel smiled and removed his shoes, coat and eyepatch, letting me see the amethyst eye that bore his contract.
"Of course."

A/N: There you go, an extra long chapter (about one-thousand-three-hundred words) and a kiss scene for all you lovely readers. I hope the fluff was fluffy enough for you!
Until next time my fellow nerds and otakus, Serpent author out!

Yes, Lord Trancy (Ciel x Alois)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن