Chapter Twenty: Prince Charming to the Rescue (or something like that)

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WARNING: This chapter is a bit, nah, scratch that, very graphic in places, this chapter is a complete blood bath at certain points, so if you're sensitive to gore I advise you don't read it.

Ciel's POV

Sebastian landed a few feet away from a wooden shack. Scuffling noises and muffled cries could be heard from within. "That's definitely it. Alois is definitely in there," I stated. Sebastian nodded. I struggled to keep any thoughts about Alois to the side of my mind, as most of them were rather horrific.
We had two ways to go about it, run in there guns blazing so to speak, or sneak in then attack. I preferred the latter, less messy.
"If we sneak in there we should be able to pick them off without making too much noise-"
There was the booming, cracking sound of a gun going off, and I turned to the source of the sound. Of course they would have people guarding the place... My emotions had obstructed my thoughts and ability to reason. I probably would have thought about this otherwise.
"I'll hold them off, you go inside and find Alois," Sebastian offered. I nodded solemnly and dashed towards the door.
Once inside there was obviously people in there, two to be precise, but they didn't hear me enter over the sound of gunfire.
Biting my lip I plunged the sword I was holding into one of their backs, before pulling it out and quickly offing the other man. It wasn't pretty, but I'd seen worse.
Opening the door to the main building slightly, I peeked through to see how many people were in there. About three, not including Alois who had his wrists and ankles tied together and a gag over his mouth, probably so people didn't ride past the shack and hear screaming. He looked terrified. I found myself temporarily frozen in place. Tears streamed down the young blonde's face, and he appeared to be more than a bit ruffed up...
I felt anger form in the pit of my stomach. My muscles tensed and I gripped the handle of my sword tightly, someone lighting my heart ablaze. I would make them pay.
It was gone, all rational thinking, all discretion, any of my tactful nature gone, and replaced with blinding rage. I could feel my hands shaking, an indescribable blood-thirst biting at my stomach and pulling on my sword. My breathing quickened and adrenaline rushed like the amazon through my veins.
I removed my eyepatch and threw the door open, all three of the men turning to face me. I was about to raise hell and there wasn't anything those three idiots could do about it.
One of the men fired at me, the bullet scraping my shoulder, tearing my jacket. It stung, and the pain gripped and clawed at my entire arm, but I wasn't paying attention to it. Any emotions or thoughts other than anger and revenge had been chucked right out the window.
I lunged at the man who had shot me, my sword tearing into his flesh, and I proceeded to drag it through muscle and sinew, his torso coming clean off his waist.
Another bullet zoomed past, not but an inch off my face, before I went for the next man. He screamed bloody murder as my blade I penetrated the inside of his rib cage, travelling down through his chest and into various vital organs along the way, stopping just before the pelvis. I tore it out, blood and chunks of some organs flying everywhere, splattering up the walls and caking the floor, some even reaching the ceiling.
The last man looked over at me in complete horror, firing the gun at me multiple times with shaking hands as tears and mucus streamed down his face.
One hit my my other shoulder, another hit my leg, though I stumbled on, not even hesitating or letting out a whimper, refusing to acknowledge the searing, burning pain the wounds caused.
With one precise flick his chest was torn open, his entrails, stomach, liver, possibly his last meal and some other unrecognisable, blood soaked things leaked out his chest and onto the already red floor beneath my feet.
My breathing heavy and my mind beginning to clear I finally returned to reality.
I looked out at the visceral mess that filled the room. And it was of my creation.

I looked over at Alois, the whole reason I was here in the first place. He was still as a mannequin, fear covering his face. I knelt down in front of him, taking off my blood soaked gloves, gently removing the gag and untying his bindings, letting him speak and move again. The only thing I was focused on was him, Alois, nothing else. He was pale as a ghost and quivering like a leaf clinging to a branch in high wind.
I wiped tears away from his face. Silence lay thick through the building. "Can you walk?" I asked quietly. Alois nodded.
I stood up and took his hand in mine, pulling him to his feet, making sure he wouldn't fall. I lead him towards the door, the fresh air being cold water on a hot day. Refreshing and pleasant in comparison to the slight rotting smell and musty atmosphere of the shack. And then I saw it...

Grell and Sebastian were atop a carriage, kissing. Of all things that could have made me feel like vomiting that day, that was the only one that made me desperately wish for something that could erase memories, and Sebastian was aware of my presence long before he finished near enough making out with Grell then and there, needless to say I covered Alois' eyes, there was some things in this world the already disturbed blonde did not need to see.
I coughed loudly to get the pair's attention. "Me and Alois are right here you know!" I exclaimed.
Sebastian smirked and pulled away, Grell being a little less bothered than they maybe should of been. "Is there something you need Ciel?" Sebastian asked slyly. I helped Alois into the carriage.
"Do me a favour and just get this thing back the Trancy manor."

A/N: Woo! Another chapter, gosh, I am on a roll at the moment! Also, this story definitely just lost its non-mature rating!
The start of that chapter wasn't very good but I feel the middle (i.e. the blood bath) was all right. I hope you liked the slightly light-hearted ending to the chapter, not the story, don't worry. Not to mention, twenty actual chapters, this is my longest fan-fiction I've written so far, and pushing my Claude x reader x Sebastian one for most popular.
Welp, until next time my fellow nerds and otakus, serpent author out!

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