Chapter Two: Aftermath

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No one's POV

Alois staggered up to his room, and once he reckoned no one was within earshot, screamed into his pillow until his head spun, his throat burned and he all but lost his voice. He held the soft object over his face, breathing hard his throat stinging with each gasp, and tears starting to leak unwillingly from his eyes, he was so confused... Why would Ciel ever want to serve him? He probably wouldn't after that day, maybe before, when Alois had still had an air of dignity and strength about him, now he was just a emotional, self-destructive mess. Ciel probably wouldn't turn up the next day, and Alois would just be left standing in the lobby for half an hour.
He could only hope that Ciel would return, even if merely to tease him, he needed to the human contact like a smoker needs nicotine. Regardless, would he - Alois - accept the offer? Was he willing to give his one and only soul over to an unforgiving beast for a second time? And if so, what was his wish? He had a feeling he knew.

Ciel's POV

I walked away from the Trancy manor, I had a carriage waiting for me at the end of the path to the house. I hoped I had gone about it correctly, not sounded unsure or unprofessional. 'I hadn't,' I assured myself, I'd done it just like Sebastian taught me.
I couldn't help noticing whilst I was at the Trancy manor that said earl seemed a lot more skittish than usual, not to mention a lot thinner; his cheek bones were visible, his wrists and knees jutted out, his voice had a nervous stutter and he had a consistent air of uncertainty. Losing his staff had likely taken it's toll on him, he'd always been paranoid about them leaving, I remember vividly how he'd get so worked up when Claude ended up more than ten feet from him...  He'd been so attached to Claude... Leaving Alois had been a cruel thing to do, I had no sympathy for him, but even then it was an exceptionally vile thing to do.

Aaand, a filler chapter, I'm sorry, please don't hate me.

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