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It's a tense day in Auradon, king Ben has decided on the sentence for the accused. Everyone in the kingdom has been invited as well as foreign kingdoms. They all gather in the court house, when they've all settled the accused come out in chains.

"All of you standing here are accused of  murder, child trafficking and treason" Ben says, Mal stands behind him looking grim but with a certain air of satisfaction. Evie, Carlos and Jay are to their left standing still as statues

"The punishment for these crimes is written in the law" Ben holds his head high "death" murmuring arises from the crowd there are even screams of outrage from some

"However!" Ben says loudly "we have come to a more humane decision. You shall be outcasted to the isle of the Forgotten where you will live out the rest of your days" he stomps his staff and guards appear to take the accused away.

Afterwards the guests are taken to the gardens for lunch and last goodbyes to their parents and loved ones

"It was the right decision Ben" Mal squeezes his hand and he smiles at her but he frowns quickly as his mother approaches them accompanied by a guard

"I just came to say goodbye son" she says holding her head high

"Goodbye" Ben says coldly

"I'll miss you" she says "and I hope that one day you'll understand why I did what I did"

"What you did was inexcusable mother" Ben growls and motions for the guard to take her away

"If I could go back in time I wouldn't do it again" she says, hope flutters in Bens eyes "I'd kill them all instead" Belle spits Bens gaze grows cold again

"Take her away" he orders "take them all away" the guard grabs Belles arm and leads her away as she fumes at her son. Ben sighs shakily and rubs the bridge of his nose

"Hello Ben" a soft voice says behind him

"Victoria!" Mal says surprised, she hugs her quickly and steps back. Victoria smiles at Mal and at her lavender dress, Daniel stands behind her in a simple black suit

"Victoria" Ben says tense "what are you doing here?"

"I came to see justice of course" she smiles "and to apologize. I shouldn't have killed your father in front of you. I'm sorry"

"I could have you charged with murder" Ben says but Victoria laughs

"I did nothing wrong" she smiles "the law says that the punishment is death. I simply applied it"

"You're defending yourself on a tecnisism?" Ben asks amazed

"Of course" Victoria smiles and so does Daniel Ben shakes his head the corner of his lips twitch upwards

"Alright" he says

"How did you know the trial was today?" Mal asks

"The invitation said all kingdoms" Victoria smiles

"You don't have a kingdom" Mal points out

"For your information I'm the queen of Vernelle" Victoria scoffs

"When did this happen?" Mal demands

"Why was I not informed?" Ben asks

"Beats me we sent a notice a month ago, I wondered why you hadn't answered oh well" Victoria shrugs "to answer you Mal about six months ago"

"It was quite the battle" Daniel smiles

"I'm just glad you're alright" Mal smiles "I tried looking for you in Evie's mirror but I couldn't find you. The last thing I knew of you was you jumping through a portal"

"Oh, I'm sorry to have worried you" Victoria apologizes

"Magic in Vernelle is different maybe that's why" Daniel says shrugging

"You're alright that's what matters" Ben smiles and gives her a small hug and shakes Daniels hand

"Come on Daniel lets go say hi to others" Victoria smiles "I bet they're dying to see me" Victoria and Daniel leave them, Victoria tackles Carlos in a hug surprising all three of them

"Victoria!" They scream in happiness and tackle her in a group hug

"I think things will be alright after all" Mal sighs and leans into Ben

"I think they will" he smiles and watches Victoria chat in a lively manner with her friends, finally at peace.

The end

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