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The black limo parks in front of the school where Fairy godmother and prince Ben with his girlfriend Audrey wait nervously. The car door opens and two boys spill out wrestling with each other one of them with chocolate around his mouth. Two girls exit from the other side and round the car they stare disapprovingly at the boys who stand up and straighten themselves. One of the girls has short purple hair and is dressed in skin tight leather jeans, a black shirt with a purple jacket, one of the sleeves is lime green while the other is a light purple; the other girl has long dark blue hair with a diamond headband she wears a skirt with leggings underneath and a cape on top of a white shirt, it's all in blue and black. Slung over her shoulder is a small heart box purse.

The boys are very different one is tall wearing a yellow, purple, and green vest with blue jeans and black boots, he wears black biker gloves with spiky bracelets. He's wears a red hat on top of his long brown hair; the other boy is much smaller than the first slightly taller than the girls, he wears a tight black shirt with a leather jacket on top, one side is black and the other white while the sleeves are both red, his jeans are also black and white they go down to his knees and wears brown boots, his hair is white with black roots.

"Welcome to Auradon prep" Fairy godmother says in a chirpy voice the four teens before her look bored and unimpressed the Prince swallows

"Hi I'm Ben I'm glad you decided to come and I hope you'll find yourselves at home here" the Prince holds out a hand to the girl with purple hair who looks at it and scoffs, Ben lowers his hand

"We know you are not at fault for your parents crimes and that is why you have been given the opportunity to come here" Fairy godmother explains "Prince Ben will take you on tour dears"

"And our things?" The purple haired girl asks

"They'll be taken to your rooms don't worry" Ben explains he turns to Fairy godmother and leans in "should we wait for her?"

"No dear you go on ahead I'll wait for her don't worry" she replies happily

"Her?" The blue haired girl asks batting her lashes at the prince

"Another transfer like yourselves" the prince explains "her invite got lost and she only answered yesterday, we couldn't coordinate her arrival with yours"

"Who is she?" The purple haired asks curious but nervous

"We really should be going" Audrey says nervously

"You'll all meet later today so don't worry about it dears" Fairy godmother smiles the teens grumble but follow the prince and Audrey for the tour.

Ten minutes later another limo appears the door opens and out come only one girl, she has black hair streaked with white and grey she has a small magenta hat on her head, she's wearing a red dress with a purple vest on top lined in gold, a long green feather pokes out of the vest pocket and hangs loosely over her shoulder, fading leggings go from grey to purple to black and end in white and black dress shoes like her fathers Dr.Facilier

"Hello Victoria" Fairy godmother greets the girls smiles and nods

"Hello" she says softly her yellow eyes twinkle "am I late?"

"No dear right on time" the older woman smiles "the others left a while ago so I'll take you on the tour myself"

"Thank you" Victoria smiles they begins to walk and Fairy godmother talks about everything they're seeing and some of the history behind the school. They enter the housing building

"That was so interesting" Victoria praises the woman who smiles grandly "but I have one question, beside you being the headmistress do you still use your magic wand with Cinderella?"

"No I stopped doing that some while back sweetheart" she smiles kindly "I'm focused on teaching the young children about the inner magic rather than physical magic"

"That's so nice"  Victoria smiles "so you just keep your wand at home, gathering dust?"

"I donated it to the city museum, it'll do more good there than as you say gather dust in my house" Fairy godmother explains "now your room is upstairs to the right door number 65"

"Alright" Victoria nods and looks up the stairs "thank you for everything. Oh uh where is Evie and Mal?"

"In the room next to yours" Fairy godmother smiles

"Thank you" Victoria smiles kindly and walks up the stairs, as soon as she's out of sight her smile drops, she takes a deep breath and knocks on the room 64 a jumble of voices hush each other, the four of them must be inside Victoria thinks to herself

Mal opens the door and stays still her mouth opens slightly in shock

"Hello Mal did you miss me?" Victoria walks past her into the room where Evie, Carlos and Jay turn and gap at her

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