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"Are you sure this is how you make cookies?" Mal asks over Victoria's shoulder

"Of course I am I've made dozen of these" Victoria replies annoyed, she grabs the flour and pours some in then the salt and stirs

"The batters done, what now?" She asks wiping her hands on a towel

"We need a tear" Mal says

"A what?" Victoria asks

"A tear"

"Well then let's just cut some onions" Jay cracks his knuckles

"It's not the same" Evie says exasperated "tears from onion and happiness or sorrow are all completely different on a chemical basis"

"Exactly we need a real tear" Mal says just then Lonnie enters the kitchen

"Hey!" Victoria says all too quickly, Mal throws a towel on the batter

"What are you making?" Lonnie uncovers the batter and dips her finger into it she taste it and everyone looks horrified "what?"

"Do you feel anything?" Mal asks

"Different?" Victoria adds watching her face carefully

"Could use some chips" Lonnie shrugs and grabs chocolate chips she pours them in "because you know chocolate chips are the absolute best" Victoria gives her a quick smile and mixes in the chocolate chips

"Haven't you ever had chocolate chip cookies?" Lonnie asks sadly, they shake their heads and look everywhere but at each other "you know when the day's cold and your mom makes a batch and a glass of milk and they're gooey and warm? Didn't your parents make those for you?"

"No" Mal says

"Come on even villains must love their kids" Lonnie tries to stay upbeat but when she sees their faces her eyes fill with tears "that's so sad" a tear slips down her face Victoria wipes it away and drops it in the batter without Lonnie noticing

"Yeah well we get by" Mal says quickly and shoos Lonnie

"Jay turn on the oven Evie pass me the cookie sheets Carlos look for an ice cream scoop" Victoria orders.

When the cookies are out they're all tempted to eat them they smell so good but they all have the love spell so they put them in a bag for Ben and they leave for bed.

Victoria tosses and turns in bed finally she stands and goes back to the kitchen where she makes a new batch of cookies without the love spell. She puts them in bags and leaves two in Mal's room and two in Jay's room the rest she keeps for herself and she sleeps deeply for the rest of the night.

The next morning they're in Good Behavior class when Mal leans over and whispers to Victoria

"Thanks for the cookies"

"You're welcome" Victoria says and goes back to her notes when the class ends she walks beside Jay

"Hey I heard you have a game today" Victoria says trying to act cool, uninterested

"Yeah but what's it to you?" He snaps Victoria is hurt but she brushes it off

"Want me to cheer for you?" She asks nicely

"I don't need you to do anything for me" Jay turns to face her "just focus on the mission and leave me alone" Victoria this time doesn't hold back the tears which begin to roll down her cheeks Jay looks surprised he steps back unsure of what to do

"I'm sorry I didn't...," he says

"No I get it" Victoria sniffs "the only one that got attached was me it was one sided I knew that, it's my fault" she turns to leave but Jay grabs her wrist

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