With You

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"Hey boys, don't you have to go to the studio today?" I asked the boys as I was feeling they were lazy today.

We were in living room. The boys were either sitting on the couch, lying down or playing video games. Except for Yoongi. He was asleep as always.

"Today's our off day noona." Jungkook said as he backhugged me.

"Really?!" I was happy to hear it. "Then today I'll get to spend more time with you guys!"

"Hey, Let's do something fun today!" Hobi said excitedly.

"Like what?" Tae and Jimin asked in unison.

"Let's go to the amusement park!" Namjoon suggested.

I looked at him disbelief. What are they, 5??! I was even more shocked to see that everyone agreed instantly.

"Seriously guys!!?? All of you are grown ups! I thought you'd suggest drinking or something." I said and chuckled. It was funny How childish they were.

"But amusement parks are fun!" Taehyung said as he lied down with his head on my lap and gave me his special box smile. "Please, noona!!!"

I laughed and ran my fingers through his hair, I couldn't say no to these boys.

"Okay, let's go."

"Let's have some FUUUUUN!!" The boys screamed as I finished my sentence.
"I'll let Yoongi hyung know." Tae said as he was jumping to Yoongi room.

Oh, I almost forgot about him. I didn't worry about him. He never joins us anyway. He's most likely gonna refuse today too.

But He surprised me when I saw him at the door with the other boys as I came down dressed up.

"Wow! Yoo Na, you look really pretty today!" Jin said giving me complimentary look.
I was wearing A pink top with a sky blue mini skirt. I chose this outfit since we were going to an amusement park. The boys praised me and I blushed.

"Stop it, Let's go!!"

"Let's go!"

I noticed Yoongi looking at me.
"What are you looking at?" I asked him. I was prepared for one of his playboyish lines.

But to my surprise, he just said, "You look nice."

Okay, what was that?! Did Min Yoongi just gave me a compliment?!!

I didn't know what to say. "Th-thanks!" I said with wondering what was up.

The boys were extra happy when we reached the park. We tried to decide what do we wanna ride. Everyone wanted to ride different rides. So we decided to spilt up.

Namjoon and Jin wanted to ride merry-go-round, Tae and Jimin wanted to ride ferris wheel while Kookie and J-hope wanted to ride drop tower.

"So what do you guys wanna ride?" Jimin asked me and Yoongi.

"I wanna ride roller coaster!" I said, excited.

"Hyung?" Jimin looked at Yoongi.

"Yeah, me too."

Great! Now I'm stuck with him.

"Then we can spilt up and meet right here after the rides." Jin said and ran to his favourite ride with Namjoon.
The other boys went for their rides.

"Shall we?" Yoongi said and looked at me.

"Fine! Let's go." I said in a annoyed tone.

We wore the seatbelt as we were told to. The ride started slow, and soon it got faster. I was really enjoying it, it reminded me of my childhood.

"Ooooooh hooooo!!!" I screamed.

Suddenly I felt Yoongi gripping my hand tightly. I looked at him, his face was paler than usual. It took me a moment to understand that he was scared!

I couldn't stop laughing at Yoongi as we went back to the meeting spot.

"I mean.. you should've seen your face!! Man!! It was so funny!!" I said as I tried to stop laughing.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Haha, very funny." He said, voice dipped in sarcasm.

"It is! Trust me." I continued to laugh.

I suddenly felt a grip on my wrist, pulling me. Yoongi turned me around.


He cut me off putting his fingers on my lip.

"Shut up for a second, will you?" He whispered before leaning close to me.

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