"Maybe I should've"

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"What are you doing here??!" Words came out of my mouth before I even realized.

"It's you." Yoongi said in a cold voice and smirked.

"Wait, you two know each other??" Taehyung seemed confused as well the other boys.

"Yeah, she started making out with me and I had to bring her home."

"Had to!?? You had to!!??" I shouted.

"So, hyung is the one you hooked up with??!!" Jimin said in disbelief.

"Hooked up?" Yoongi rolled his eyes. "That's what you told him??"

"Like I wanted brag about it. You took advantage of me!!" I was about to explode.

"In your dreams. First of all you're the one who started to make out, and second you passed out and I didn't know where you lived. So I brought you here."

"Okay, so she slept in here last night?!?" said Jimin, who looked like he saw a ghost.


"Well let's forget what happened last night. And Yoongi, she is going to stay here. So behave." Jin came and tried to calm things down.

"Yeah, whatever!" Yoongi rolled his eyes again and went to the washroom.

"Ignore him. He's always like that." Jin said as he put a hand over my shoulder. "Now if you're gonna stay here, you're gonna need a room to yourself."

"There's no need for-----"
Jungkook cut me off in the middle of my sentence. "Noona can stay at my room, I'll sleep with Jimin hyung."

"Then it's settled." J-hope clapped like a little kid.

"Thank you guys so much. You guys are so kind." All of them smiled. "Well, not all of you." I added as I saw Yoongi coming out.

The boys helped me with my stuff.

"Come to my room if you're scared at night." Namjoon said as he put down the last box in my room.

"Are you flirting with me?" I said in a mischievous voice cause I knew he was just playing with me.

Jimin smacked him in the head. "It's bad enough that she made out with one of my hyungs" he said and chuckled. Some how he found it funny.

"Arrghh, Jimin! Don't remind me that!" I said out of disgust and punched Jimin's arm.

Suddenly Jungkook showed up and said, "Hey guys, we're gonna be late for rehearsal."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Yoo Na, are you gonna be okay??" Jimin asked.

"You can come with us." Rapmon offered.

"Yeah, it will be fun." Taehyung said excitedly.

"No, thanks. I'm just gonna unpack my things."
"But it would be fun." Tae mocked a frown.

"Maybe next time." I said and ruffled through his hair. Tae had a innocent face like a kid, which reminded me of my little brother.

"Okay, then we'll be back in 2 hours."

"Okay, Bye guys."


They left for their rehearsal.

1 and a half hour later.
I took a long nice shower as soon as I finished with the unpacking. I came out of  the shower wrapping a towel around me and I went to my room. I threw the towel in my bed since the boys weren't home.

"You're not that bad after all."

I look back, shocked hearing the voice.
It was Yoongi. He was leaning against my door.

Oh my god. He just saw me naked. Code Red!! Code Red!!

I couldn't decide what to do.

"Maybe I should've taken advantage of you." he smirked.

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