Cannibalistic Purgatory/Weeds of Bliss

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Monday. 2 a.m. I'm still in the illusion and frankly, after three large chicken breasts shoved down my throat and--peas--peas, just...peas, no more; I finally decided to say "fuck it" and come up with a plan. A highly, rosary-based, complicated plan. "You realize the inner monologue stuff is just tired now, right? Like me, sick and tired. Now shut up and help me."

"What would you like for dinner, dear?" hissed the demonic tonally nauseous voice of the "mother" before me. "A weed. Cannabis, maybe. Pick something."  

The fairy blinked, gazing at my eyes and the burning rosary around my neck, smirking as the others grinned, crowding around me with their bat wings flapping in the night. 

"Something that sends me on the worst trip of a lifetime. Scare the hell out of me...if I'm gonna be stuck here for a while, might as well make it fun, right?"

I swear God's metaphorical eyebrow rose a bit, as he crossed his arms in relative interest. 

"Bake me. Bake me at 420, baby, and watch me fly to heaven."

"I DoN't ThInK YoU'LL MaKe It, GiRL."

"Oh yeah? Watch me. So my brain's already fried, and? It'll be bacon or kava-fueled...I've run out of fucks to give, my Lord, and I have faith in your power. Besides, I'm already dead-ish. So...Hail Mary, full of grace..."

Suddenly and without a shred of warning, a small green cigarette landed at my feet--and before I could say another word, I popped it into my mouth as the incense and intense smell of mint filled the air. "Scacco matto ... la vostra mossa."

Give or take a few hours, and I was purified--somewhat, emerging from the fiery bubble in a mint green dress and red sensible shoes. 

"I pray for my eternal soul, fussy fussy, do I have to wait for Roy, or am I gonna have to go in there and grab him myself?"

לַחֲכוֹת. כמו כן, כמה קצר רוח אתה? אתה בן עשרים ואחת שנים, מתנהג כמו ילד בגלל ... למה?

הירגע, הירגע.

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