Chapter 16: Pictures & Pills

Start from the beginning

Is that Wren ? Why is Spencer looking at him like that? Why would she send me this ?
There's a note on the back.
"Tick tock Toby. Tick tock
Ok Toby. Calm down it's just a picture. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's not even real, A.D is capable of everything. It's a trap and I won't fall for it.
It's pretty disturbing though...
Back to Spencer's POV
Once i'm home i just sit on the floor and open the damn box.
The first thing i pick up is a picture. OMG what is this?
*picture of Toby and a girl, kissing. Looks recent*
On the back
"No wonder he did not want you to come to Paris. At least the job pays well if you know what i mean
I can't believe what I just saw
(A/N: Spencer would normally not fall for something A.D send but, she's very vulnerable and insecure she would believe anything about Toby) 
He told me he loved me, only me. He told me he would come back. You damn Liar!!
*incoming call. From Toby"
I don't answer, i just let it ring until it stops.
I start crying and notice that the box isn't empty, there's a green card
" Only one pill to take the pain away. But you know that already."
With a small packet full of white and red pills.
I won't fall for that, i'm hurt but i can't do this again.
But, if you think about it, who'll care if i become an addict again. No one cares about me anymore. Toby left and Grace isn't here...
I guess i could take just ONE. Than i'll stop. Just to, take the pain away for a bit.
Grace's PoV

I've been at aunt Aria for like 10 days now. I don't even know why i stay here. Well, i know that Spencer is taking the whole situation pretty bad but i could stay and confort her. I could do something. Plus, Aria and Ezra are being very protective for some reasons.
- Aria, when will I come home?

- I don't know sweetie, we have to wait for Spencer to get better.

- Maybe i could just confort her don't you think ? I did at the hospital before.

- Awww you're so sweet. The problem is that right now, for some reason, she feels more vulnerable than ever and she needs to be alone for a while. I know it's weird but she's gone through the same situation before and the only thing that heals her is time...

- Before ? What happened before ?
I know i might cross the line asking this, maybe it's not my business but no one is telling me anything. I know they're more to the story!

- It's, complicated. You're too young to understand.

- Please aunt Aria *i take a cute voice* No one is telling me anything! Maybe i could help.

She nods and make me sit. For the next hour she basically told me how they met and because of who.
"Who's this A- guy? "

" We humm, we don't know"

" You told me the person got arrested 6 years ago"

*she gaps*

"Hum right, yes it was Alison's unknown sister. Charlotte. We forgave her and now it's over... yeah it's over"

"And the truth?"

"What truth? "

" It's not over right?"

*she thinks a bit and try to smile*
"Let's say that, you should be very careful right now. You don't talk to strangers of any kind and you only listen to me or Ezra okay? Spencer too of course"

" You seem worried."

"No it's nothing. Don't worry, just be careful. For me, for Spencer for Toby. For everyone who cares about you"

"Thank you for telling me the truth" i say and hug her.

Ok so in an hour I've learned that Spencer have been depressed before basically for the same reason as now, that they got chase by a psychopath all high school and something is telling me that it's not over for a reason.
Maybe i AM too smart for my age, it's disturbing.
Toby's POV (6 days later)
Everyday for the past week I've been getting those pictures. A.D keep sending them to me I can't take it anymore. How do i know if they're true. I can't watch photos of her kissing this annoying British guy everyday, it hurts too freaking much. Doesn't she love me anymore ? Doesn't she care about me ? I won't let her fall into his arm again, i won't. I need to do something, but what. I'm calling but she won't answer. Maybe she's with him! Maybe all this time she was with him.
That's it, i know what i have to do...
Spencer's PoV (it's like night in Rosewood)
I haven't contacted anyone for the last 7 days. I just, turned off my phone and drank. Those pills are killing me slowly, but the pain is too.
I still can't believe he would do that to me, and now, i'm just a big mess with a drinking problem.
He told me once to call him if i wanted to take pills again. Guess he wouldn't care now...
I was already broken but this picture just, destroyed me...
I keep crying and crying and crying over again. The worst thing is that, i still love him. I would do everything to have him back to me, to hold him, to see him, to talk to him. Maybe i should call him No Spencer! You turned your phone off for a reason. Let it go.
As i go through the apartment, i find the few letters i've brought back here last week.
Probably not a good idea but i start reading one. It's so weird to see this, he still loved me all of this time, even if he was with someone else he was just waiting for me to come back. I want this again. I just, i need this again.
I don't care if he loves someone else, i'm getting him back. I, need to go to Paris, i need to see him.
Shit I can't drive right now and it's raining like crazy. I call an Uber.
"To the airport please"
As he drives me there i turn on my phone and call Toby. Crap, straight to voicemail
" Listen Toby, I. I don't care about your boss. I don't care that you forgot about me, because i'm just going to come here, kick her ass and get my husband back. I love you no matter what you do just because, you're you. And I need to see you, i, i did something i'm not proud off and I need you right now. I'm, I'm going to the airport now and don't you dare run away from me"
By the time i finish this, i'm in front of the airport. I pay the guy and, before i come in, i listen to the voicemail i have. I just open my umbrella first.
" Spencer, it's Toby. I. I have to see you. I don't care if you kissed him, i don't even care if you slept with him. No matter what you do, I just love you. I need you to listen to me, i know you're mad at me for leaving but you need to forgive me. I love you Spencer, I love yo-" As i listen to his last words. I see someone under the street light, it's a guy listening to his phone. Oh my gosh it's Toby !!!
He sees me at the same time. I drop everything and start running to him, he does the same.
It's like those cliches scenes in romantic movies when they run and kiss in the rain. Cliche but amazing!

We're screaming because of the rain.

- I'm so sorry, *i say between two kisses*I forgive you i love you.

- I'm so sorry for leaving, i don't care about Wren i just need to hold you.

* i pull away*
- Wren ? What are you talking about?

- I know Spencer but it's okay. It was my fault, i left you all alone.

- Wren is back?!

- A.D sent me the pictures! You and Him at the hospital, you and him kissing at the apartment.

- I didn't see Wren!!! I didn't come out of the house for like 7 days! I would never cheat on you Tob's ! I love you.

- Wait? You didn't see him? At all?

- No i never went to the hospital! I was too depressed because of the picture

- What picture ? He asks, surprised

- It's okay, i don't care either. You can say it.

- I didn't do anything Spence. What picture?

- You, kissing this gorjuss girl.

- Did A.D send you this ?
As he says this i realize...

- Omg, i can't believe i fell for this!
I start crying

- I'm so sorry too! I should have never left! I know i say this every time but i'm never leaving you again. This time for real.

- Toby I, I started using again. After the picture, A.D sent me pills and, i was so devastated i took them.
I'm so sorry!
I keep crying

- It's going to be okay, everything is going to be okay now.
He kisses me

- But, what about your job? What are we going to do ?

- I quit earlier, i'll find something. Anything as long as it's next to you.

We hug each other for a long time, here, in the rain. It was cold but i felt safe again.
I feel safe now, but we all know it's not going to last. We have to do something about A.D, we have to tell the gang what we know.
Now or never.

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now