°o. Valentines Day Special #2 .o°

Start from the beginning

"Not like you have anyone to give anything to." Sam points out, you glare at him while Steve hits his arm.

"That's rude." The blonde scolds.

"No, no, Steve." You shake your head. "He's not wrong but I do have build in company in my stomach." You pat your belly with a smile, he rolls his eyes. "So, what are you guys doing today?"

"I set Steve and Bucky up on dates." Natasha announces, a proud smile on her face.

"Aw, I'm glad you finally got them together." You look between the two super soldiers. Steve and Bucky just fondly shake their heads at you.

"Not like that." She clarifies, you frown. "Set Steve up with a nice woman who used to work at SHIELD before... everything happened and I set Bucky up with one of my semi-friends that is wanting to settle down."

"But here's the real question." Sam points his fork at nothing specific. "Is Bucky ready to settle down too?" Everyone turns to said soldier who is washing a pan in the kitchen.

"Buck." Steve calls, he turns off the faucet and turns to the group.

"Sorry, what?" Bucky questions, wiping his wet hands with a towel. "I couldn't hear you."


"Are you ready to settle down?" Natasha repeats for Sam. "(Taylor/Jess) is looking for someone to settle down with. Are you ready to settle down?"

"Well." He places his hands on his hips and takes in a deep breath. You keep your head down, not really wanting to hear about him with another woman. "Depends on the gal."

"And if you find the right gal?" Nat pushes.

"I mean..." He takes a few moments to think. You swear you feel his familiar gaze on you but you brush it off as him panning around at the table of you five Avengers. "Yeah..." He nods, turning around to go back to the dishes. "Love is love." He shrugs. As you take a bite of your eggs, you notice the proud smile on Steve's face.

Seven pm

You let out a sigh as you walk down the hallway to the living room. Your mood sadnesses at the thought and reality of your lonely pregnant self spending the day of love with nothing but a bowl of popcorn and a cheesy rom-com on Netflix.

What also has you really down--which you hate to admit--is that the guy who has been helping you out the last seven months of your pregnancy, the guy whose been there for you through this whole thing, even before it happened, is out on a date with his potential 'right gal'.

But you try to push that to the back of your head as you finally get to the end of the long-ass (honestly, it's about ten feet long) hallway.

You turn the corner that opens up into the living room. You freeze in your place when you see a brunette with a blanket draped over him, reading a book. You frown slightly noticing he's still in his grey sweats and dark blue sweater.

"What are you doing here?" You ask causing his head to snap up at you. He hides the smile that is fighting its way onto his face at your appearance; a loose white t-shirt and a pair of his sweats he gave you a long time ago before you were pregnant.

"Are you not happy to see me?" Bucky pouts out his bottom lip.

"I mean, I don't mind it." You tease a bit, setting the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. "I was just wondering." You shrug then carefully sit down. You reach for the bowl but struggle.

Bucky notices your troubles and leans forward to grab the bowl for you.

"(Taylor/Jess) called me about a half an hour ago," He informs, grabbing the bowl and scooting closer to you. "saying how she just wanted to spend Valentines with her friends instead of going a date." He sets the bowl on your lap while slinging his other arm on the couch behind you.

"Well, she's missing out on a very great guy." You try to brighten his mood, he smiles down at you.

"Thanks, doll." He says and plants a kiss to your cheek.

"No problem." A small smile ghosts onto your face as you turn your head forward and pop a piece of popcorn into your mouth. "Want to watch a movie with me then?" You offer, turning your attention back to him.

"Sure." He nods.

"Great." You smile. "Want to hand me the remote too?"

"Sure." He chuckles, leaning forward to grab said item.

Little After Eight

You shift uncomfortably as you feel a muscle-like twitch inside your stomach area. You recognize this feeling as the baby moving around in the womb but it hurts a bit more. You feel it happen again causing you to scrunch your face up in pain.

"You okay, doll?" Bucky asks, noticing your discomfort.

"Yeah." You slowly nod, straightening your back a bit. "The baby is just a bit... energetic today." You sigh, rubbing a small circle on your protruding stomach.

"Lemme see if I can calm him down." He stands up, grabbing the bowl of popcorn from your lap and setting it on the coffee table. He then pushes the coffee table back to give him enough room for him  between it and the couch.

Once Bucky gets comfortable kneeling on the floor, he carefully lifts your shirt so your belly is exposed. You notice the smile forming on his face as he leans towards it and starts talking.

"Hey there, bud." He greets the fetus. "I know you're in there having the time of your life, but could ya calm down a bit for your ma?" He requests, using his thumbs to rub tiny circles on the sides of your tummy.

"I know there isn't a lot of stuff to do in there but it's going to be the quietest and safest place you'll ever have so savor it as long as you can." He continues to talk. "For the next two months, at least." He adds causing you to let out a small chuckle.

"But you're going to love it out here when you come out." He tells. "You'll have a nice warm crib, toys, the Earth's mightiest heroes cooing over you and not to mention the world's best Ma taking care of you.

"Your ma is actually working very hard already to keep you healthy." Bucky informs the unborn boy. "A lot of people told her she wouldn't be able to do it but here she is, seven months down and two more to go.

"And I have to admit, I'm very proud of her." He confesses, him just focusing on rambling to the kid and not on you listening. "When your shithead of a dad, if you can even call him that, totally denied the idea of taking care of you, she didn't give up.

"She said that she will take care of you and go through with having you and..." He lets out a breath. "She sure as hell has come through." He smiles proudly. "She is the strongest, bravest, most amazing person in the world and I know for sure she is going to be the best mother in the world too.

"She is the best human to ever grace this Earth." Bucky continues to gush, your face turns red but you don't stop him. "She is so generous, kind hearted, and always puts other before herself.

"When I first came to the team, I had a lot of nightmares and she helped me through them... She helped me through my insecurities with my arm, my past, and who I was... Without her I don't think I would have ever been able to recover from Hydra." He confesses, some tears brimming his eyes as he remembers some of the sleepless nights with you comforting him.

"I know you're not going to remember any of this when you come out but let me just tell you, son." He points a scolding figure at your belly button, you barely hold back a laugh. "If you don't treat your ma right when you get older, I'm going to whoop your ass." You snort. "You will love her and respect her as much I do or more because without her you wouldn't be alive.

"But besides that threat, I'll be there for you too." He adds. "I love ya, kid. Talk to you later most likely." He presses a kiss to your stomach then leans back with his butt on his heels, a big smile on his face.

"Bucky." You call, his head snaps up with an innocent look on his face.


"I love you too." You carefully lean forward and peck his lips. You pull back and his face is all red blushing mess.

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now