Chapter Thirty-Three

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Its been a week since Darren got here, and so far he has been nothing short an angel, which is kind of hilarious since Uriah is an Angel. He is really taking it to heart to make sure that my heart is content 24/7. Some nights he doesn't sleep if I am having trouble sleeping. He'll stay awake and talk to me, Uriah feels bad in the morning when he realizes that we stayed up together, but Darren only waves him off and tells him that at least one of us should get some sleep. It still bothers me that he does stay up with me, because he needs his sleep too.

Darren had gained about ten pounds, which is amazing considering how skinny he let himself become. You can still see his rib, but his hip bones have been covered a little bit, and his arms and legs don't seem as boney as they were when he first got here.

Uriah has become the mother hen for both of us, of course Darren only let's me out of bed to pee, and even then he carries me to the bathroom, but Uriah is the one in charge making sure we get food and naps into our system since we both seem to forget to do both things.

I thought that since I became pregnant that I would be more hungry then usual, but most times Darren and Uriah finally have to get out of me something that I would like to eat. It has worried them so much that they have brought me to the doctor, where we are right now.

"Alright, so what has brought the three of you into my office today?" The doctor asks as he straps on his gloves before turning back to us with an expectant look.

"Oliver hasn't been eating enough and it's worrying us that something might be wrong with the pups." Uriah says as he lays his hand on my stomach and runs it gently, making one of the pups kick me harshly. I flinch from the slight pain and sigh. Lately they have been really kicky, and every time they kick it seems harder then the last.

"Hmm." The doctor says as he watches me. He pulls over the ultrasound matching and turns it on.

"I want to look and see if the pups are almost finish developing, because it seems as if your body is trying to get them out. And they, in return, want to get out. Your body isn't realizing that it needs to have more nutrients to supply the pups in your body, and that's why your pups keep kicking you harshly, because they need to come out." I hold my breath as the doctor moves the wand around my stomach, waiting for it to come into focus.

He hums again as he pauses the screen and places the wand back onto the table. He points to one of the pups that seems to be more to the top and left of my stomach.

"It seems as if three of the pups are ready to be born, but this one right here still isn't fully developed. I don't know if its because of the amount of pups you are having, or if he is just being developed slower, but to ensure your safety, and your other pups safety, we need for you to have a C- section soon, otherwise none of them will survive." My heart stops as I stare at the small pup nestled in the corner of my stomach, almost as if his sibling are trying to protect him from harm.

If I have a C- section now, he might not survive, but if I don't have one now, then none of them might. I look at Uriah and Darren, who seem equally as upset, but they shake their heads at me. They want me to make the decision. They want me to decide.

I take one last look at my little pup before turning to the doctor with tears in my eyes.

"Lets do the C- section."

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