Chapter Twenty-Six

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"If that's the real reason, then I trust you." I say softly as I look at Uriah from underneath my eye lashes. He groans as he looks at me and I mentally smirk because I know even just looking at him like this is effecting him. I wonder how he was able to stay quiet about us being mates for months.

"Oliver, we all love you, you have to know that. We just don't want to see you hurt. Most of us see you as a little brother or son, we don't want you to be hurt twice because we let you make the same mistakes." Callen says, not breaking eye contact with me once.

"I believe you guys, but it's my life, if I let you chose my decisions for me then I'll never grow up and be my own person,  I'll never be able to be the father that my pups will need." I say softly as to not hurt their feelings any more then I already have. The four of them frown, but Graham is the first to nod.

"Is understand ehere you are coming from. It's like if Callen's parents treated him like a baby, I wouldn't have ever met him of his parents tried to hide him away from all his problems like we did to you." Graham gives me one of his rare smiles before he turns back to Callen and misses his cheek. I know some of the things he said had double meanings, but I decide to let it slide.

"We love you Oli, I guess that's what we should end this conversation on." Sampson said as he wrapped his arm around Julian again. "I think I can speak for everyone when I say we have pups that we need to get back to, more then some others." Sampson winks at his brother and his mate before he drags Julian out with him, barely throwing a goodbye over his shoulder.

Graham and Callen only stay for a few more minutes before they too leave like Sampson and Julian, claiming they have to change diapers and wipe off dirty faces.

"I think we should talk more about our relationship." Uriah says as he turns to face me. I raise an eyebrow and Dr him but motion for him to continue.

"I don't want it to seem like I and norm forcing you into this relationship, because I would never do that."

"I'm not worried about that, Uriah, quite frankly I have other worries." I say with a small frown on my face. Panic quickly overtakes Uriah's features before he is able to school it back into a neutral expression.

"And what would that be?" He asks shortly, indicating that he is over thinking things.

"Well, you were able to keep your hands off of me for months. That's what worries me. I'm worried that when I'm  am ready to take the next step, you won't be." I explain simply. The frown still on my face when I see the confusion on his face.

"Oliver, you don't know how many times I was in pain because of the raging boner in my pants that showed I was affected by you. You don't know how many times I wished that I could touch you, just a tiny bit. How many times I had to hold myself back from telling you the truth. I'm sorry that we lied to you about this, I am going to take some of the blame because it's my fault too, but I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere anymore. I'm going to be right by your side, until you tell me you don't want me to be." My eyes fill with tears at his heartfelt speach, and I said the only think I could think of.

"Well then, it seems as if you will always be by my side."

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