Chapter Twenty-Seven

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In the next few days I was moved from intensive care and put into a normal hospital room, they said that I wasn't ready to go back to my room, even though I argued that it was almost literally down the hall, so if anything happened I wouldn't have to crawl that far until I reached a doctor who could help me, to say the least, no one but me seemed to be amused by my answer.

Uriah, true to his word stayed close to my side, only leaving to take a shower, eat, go to the bathroom, or to get me something that I had asked for. He was the perfect mate.

I knew he was hiding something from me.

It was the way he was too perfect that I figured it out. A person is only that perfect if they have to be forgiven for something, so whatever he knows, and isn't telling me, must have the ability to ruin our relationship, forever, because he thinks he has to do all these things to make it up to me.

I just hope that my heart will stay intact when he tells me the news.



I groan as I flip over another document. Ever since I decided I was going to put all of my energy into finding my mate, my forever, I haven't slept. It has been almost a month now, I don't know how much longer I can go on, but I know it will be long enough to find my love.

I haven't eaten. I can connect my pinky and thumb around my wrist almost twice with the amount of weight I have lost, when I use to be able to just barely connect them once. Every single one of my ribs are on display, my hip bones and collar bones jutting out of my body. To anyone I would look deathly ill, and I guess I am, because if I don't find my mate, my forever, my love, then I'll never be happy, and what is life when you can't be happy?

Ever since I ran away and went to where my sister had moved to - her mates pack - and passed through alpha title back to her, my father had Ben hinting me, but I could care less, I let him tell me what to do, who to judge, and who to beat until they could barely stand, I even listened to when he told me I should mate.

I wasn't going to let the mistake of me allowing him to control my life, ever happen again.

"Hey, honey, you need me to fill up your cup?" I turn to the friendly waitress and shake my head. I had taken refuge in a small time diner and asked for a water, that I have only drank half of, in the last hour I have been here. I'm not stupid, I know I wouldn't survive unless I continued to drink water, I don't have a death wish, I just don't have a purpose.

I leave half an hour later when I realize the information I had gotten wasn't going to do me any good with find my Sweet Oliver.

I leave a ten dollar rip even though the water is free, all the years that I treated others like they were bellow me, now I am going to treat everyone as if they are above me, because everyone deserves to be treated with more respect then you expect to get.

I walk down the streets and rhino of the few short moment I had with Oliver before I stupidly let him get away.

I can still rememeber his lust filled eyes and scrunched up face as I drove into him over and over again, making love to the one man that would truly be mine.

That was all ruined when my father smelt him on me the next day. The scent of a male, an omega at that, he wasn't happy.

After he ruffed me up a little bit he told me I was to follow and tell my beautiful sweet little mate that I didn't want him, that I only used his body for my pleasure, and that the pleasure wasn't even that great - although it was the best feeling I have ever had the pleasure of feeling - and that someone else - some pack bitch - was a better luna then him.

My father hadn't given him a chance, and I didn't either. I don't give him the chance to prove to my father that he could be someone, that he is someone. I was never given the chance to truly love the one person in this world that deserves so much love he should be plump with it.

My footsteps falter as my mind races over the night I had with Oliver over and over again. I had never used as condom. I had always made sure I used one because I never wanted another me around, I never wanted another me that could end up like me.

But I never used a condom, and even with birth control - that I know sweet little Oliver wasn't on - wouldn't have been enough to stop him from getting pregnant.

Is he pregnant? With my pup?

With renewed strength I hold my head up high and begin moving south, I will find my mate, even if it's the last thing I do.

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