Chapter Thirteen

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"Hey, Oliver. I talked to Sampson, he thinks you might be able to visit Callen soon, he woke up last night and is slowly getting better, they think he's gonna make it, but they still aren't sure about baby Tyler making it yet, but they have high hopes that he will." Julian squealed as he barged into my room at seven o'clock in the morning. He's lucky I'm a morning person and usually wake up around seven anyways.

"Seriously!" I ask with a smile on my face. I couldn't care less about him barging into my room, even if I was naked, because I was so happy I might be able to see Callen and how he is doing.

"Yeah, but Sampson isn't sure yet, it all depends on if Callen is feeling up to it, and if Graham is okay with it too." Julian answered calmly although I could see the joy in his eyes. Sampson must have agreed to let him see him too.

"Hey, you know what we should do?" I ask Julian as I climb out of the bed. He smiles at me before bouncing up and down on his toes.

"What, what, what?" He whines as he continues to figit where he is standing. I begin to feel my own excitment rise as I stare back at Julian with as much enthusiasm as he is currently showing me.

"We should make him a card, and buy him a cute little outfit for Tyler, to give him hope that he's gonna survive, because he will." I tell him strongly although on the inside I want to burst into tears at the idea that someone so young and innocent could already be on the brink of death. I don't understand how the world can be so cruel.

"That's a brilliant idea,et me go tell Sampson what we're gonna do and then we can leave." I nod excitedly before slide g out of the cushiony bed. I use to jump down, but jow that I have added close to two pounds worth of baby, I have been more careful with what I have been doing everyday.

Only being a month and a half pregnant I already look close to birth, but in reality I have close to three months left of constantly peeing and always being emotional and hungry for the weirdest of things, last night I had eaten chicken with pickles, ice cream, and ketchup, quite honestly it was pretty good, but when I was puking it up early this morning it didn't taste so good.

I quickly throw on a pair of comfty sweatpants and a sweatshirt that covers my bump slighty, but you can still see the slight bump poking out.

"Hey, Sampson said it was okay but only if we brought Uriel with us, so he's coming with." I shrug in answer. I haven't really talked or seen the angel since he first showed up, I thought it was just a dream, but if it was then everyone wouldn't have known about me being pregnant, so I kind of went with it and didn't really ask any questions, although I wonder why the moon goddess would decide that I was the one that needed saving from something. I don't see anything in my future that could possible make me have to have an angel watching over my shoulder.

"Alright, buttercup, let's go, while the day is young." Julian called out teasingly as he leaned again my door frame. I hugged at him but hurried my movements anyways.

"Its only eight o'clock, I don't think we are wasting the day, most people don't even wak up until noon on the weekends." I call out to him as I hurry down the hallway after him. He only waves me off before rushing down the stairs. I know that is Silas saw how fast we were going down the stairs he would burst a blood vessel.

"Come pm Uriah, while the day is young!" Julian calls out as he races out of the door. I roll my eyes but decide not to correct him again, he won't listen to me, so what's the point?

"Its only eight o'clock, calm down." I snicker when I hear Uriah's deep voice shouts across the pack house. I giggle when Julian start complaining about how we are too much alike.

"Alright, I'm down here, let's go." I state when I finally make it down the long staircase. Unsurprisingly Uriah is already here so he nods at me before turning and heading to the car. After the first day he showed up he hasn't shown me much emotion besides a blank face. I don't know what was said, but he hasn't said about peep to me about anything other then my wellbeing since. I feel like Sampson had something to do with it.

"Yeah! Let's get this show on the road." Julian cheers before wobbling to the car. I roll my eyes before wobbling after him.

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