Chapter Twenty

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"Oliver, hurry up! Your doctors appointment is in five minutes, we are going to be late." Callen yells as he walks past my room.

Over the past week him and Julian have been nonstop, alter being coddled by their mates for the time being they were happy for their independence. Of course they still made time for them an their new pups, but they have done a lot more things for themselves then I have seen before in my whole life.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I call put to him before taking a deep breath and fighting to get my sock on. The reason I'm running late is because I couldn't get my socks on, and I don't like walking around the pack house bare foot because of all the dirt tracked in during the day. It's taken me five minutes for one sock, and I'm afraid the other one will take just as long.

When I finally get my sock on I cheer to myself silently. I never would have guessed that I would be cheering to myself after putting on my socks while two months pregnant with quadruplets. I guess there will always be a first for everything. I mean, I never thought I would meet an angel, but look at where that landed me. An overprotective, slightly confusing, completely handsome angel hanging around my back every five seconds.

"Oliver! Let's go!" I grumble at Julian but waddle out of my room anyways. They should know not to yell at a pregnant man.  They should know how bad my hormones are right now.

"Stop yelling at me." I cry as I walk down the stairs. Uriah looks panicked when he sees my teary eyes but Julian and Callen only wave me off.

"Calm down, Oliver. We're all just excited to see the genders of your pups for the first time." Julian explains as he walks down the hallway to the doctors offices. I sniffle but follow after them, I know I shouldn't be affect by them telling me to hurry up, but I can't do much when I have four pups in my stomach loving to mess with my emotions. 

"Are you okay?" Uriah asks softly as he falls beside me. I smile up at him before nodding. I rain breaths out a sigh of relief before hesitantly putting his arm around my shoulders. If it was anyone else I would have jumped away and apologized because of flinching away, but I realized that when Uriah touches me that I don't want to flinch away, but my body wants to curl up to his, to feel safe. I don't know why my body feels like this, but it is gladly welcomed in my time of need.

"What genders do you think it's going to be?" I ask Uriah randomly as we begin to gall father and father away from the large group in front of us. They don't seem to remember that I can only travel a yard every three seconds.

"I already know." Uriah answer simply as he pulls me along with him. I look down the hallway in confusion, how could he know?

"How would you know already?" I ask asks we turn asks corner to the hospital wing of the pack house.

"God knows everything, and when it comes to you, he tells me most things you wouldn't even expect to happen." I felt as if he is leading onto something else, but I ignore it to sit down in the soft padded chair in the hospital waiting room.

"So, Mr. I-Know-All, what are the genders?" I ask teasingly, although I don't think for a second that he was lying when he said that he knew the genders.

"I think I'll leave it as a surprise." Uriah jokes just before the doctor comes out and calls my name.

I stare at Uriah for a few more moments before turning to the doctor and following her to the exam room, everyone following after me.

I feel nervous as we walk closer to exam room. What will the genders be?

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