Is that tongue?

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   "You have to go!" Mike practically shouts in my ear. I look towards Jack who was also grinning.

   "I can't believe they fell for it. My work is officially done" Jack says half to us and half to himself. "Oh and yes you should totally go. The quicker you find out Mikes info the quicker you'll be able to go back to being Robyn" Jack adds chuckling.

  "Don't worry I was planning in going to the party, there's no need to persuade me" I say. Mike and Jack both look at each other wide eyed.

   "You're saying you want to go?" Mike asks surprised.

   "That's exactly what I'm saying. I want to go" I reply sincerely.

   "But there's going to be loads of people there" Mike says still shocked.

    "Are you trying to put me off because I can always stay at home tonight" I smirk.

    "No you need to go. Parties are always the best place to gather information with all the drunkenness and truth or dare."

    "Ok that's settled and besides a certain Mr Tobey might be there" I say adding the last part quietly smiling to myself.

    "Rochelle's brother?" Mike asks and I nod. "You like Rochelle's brother? But he's a total douche" Mike bursts out laughing.

   "Is he hot?" Jack asks intrigued. I nod frantically. "Well let's get Rob ready for this party" he beams grabbing the clothes he had hung up.
     I close my eyes and take several deep breaths before walking down the path to the huge house I presumed was Ambers. I felt stupid in the clothes Jack had picked out. I was wearing glasses with clear lenses even though I don't wear glasses and I wondered if wearing a scarf indoors was ever necessary. I walked through the open door to see a party that was too reminiscent of something you'd watch on tv or in the films. People were spilling out of every door and room and alcohol was definitely flowing. The kind of parties I was used to were usually just me and a few friends on the beach with a few beers and an acoustic guitar. I was surprised her parents had even allowed underage drinking in their house. My eyes bulged at the site of Tobey beside the sound system that was thumping out some bland chart music. I casually walk up to him. 

   "Hey man" I say. He looks down at me. Wow he was really tall.

   "Hi" he replies turning back to a Ipod he held in his hand.

   "I'm Rob" I say gruffly.

    "Lame music" I say.
    "Yeah totally and that's why they need me to help with that" he grins. He hands me the Ipod he was holding for me to look at. I scroll the numerous bands on the list.

   "Wow great music" I squeak excitedly probably a little too highly.
   "Are you sure you're a senior?" He laughs.

    "Yes I'm just late bloomer" I cough back into a deeper voice. He laughs.

    "You heard of these bands?" he asks.

   "Are you kidding. They're amazing. I cover a lot of these in my band" I reply without thinking.

    "You're in a band?" he asks unbelievingly. "What's the name?"

   "The reaping" I grin.

    "Oh cool. Decent band. Are you the guitarist I thought the singer was a girl."

    "Yeah um the guitarist. Ah yeah Robyn. She's awesome."

    "I bet she is" he smiles a genuine smile. My heart was almost thumping out of my chest as I smile back. Tobey suddenly looks awkward as he turns back to the stereo system. I guess that's my cue to leave.

    I walk around the house for a while grabbing a couple of strong looking drinks on my way around. I guess most guys liked the whole hipster look, I had way too many girls and a couple of guys looking in my direction which I hastily turned away from. I eventually get back on track to my mission as I bump into Rochelle.

    "Oh hey Rob" she smiles placing her warm hand on my arm. "It's so great to see you."

    "Yeah same here" I reply forcing a smile.

    "Let me get you a drink" she says chirpily.

    "If you insist" I mumble as she pulls me into the kitchen. She grabs a bottle of unopened vodka and hands it to me. Well I guess it won't hurt I think to myself shrugging and taking a mouthful that was probably way too big as it practically burns my throat away.
   "So no party is a party without spin the bottle" Amber chirps in. I watch her walk over to the cabinet grabbing an empty bottle. "Get in circle guys" she gestures for the little group to sit in a circle. I hadn't betted on playing spin the bottle. I suddenly felt dizzy and I didn't know if the vodka was suddenly hitting me or the impending doom of the childhood game. My mind drifted back to a memory from when I was 11.


   "How about playing spin the bottle?" one of my friends Lizzy had suggested.

   "But that's for adults to play" I replied naïvely.

    "Don't be such a baby Robyn" Lizzy had goaded. I had given in to peer pressure and sat within the small circle she and a few others had created. One of my crushes had sat opposite me which made me a little nervous.

   "Ok first person to spin is Robyn" Lizzy said from across the circle. I looked towards her and frowned shaking my head. Why did I have to go first?
   With sweaty palms I grabbed the coke bottle we were using and span it as hard as I could. I watched in slow motion as it slowed down until a complete stop. It had landed on Jake, my crush. He looked at me and I looked at him. "I'm not kissing that" he said loudly and cruelly. 
     "It's only a game Jake" Lizzy moaned.

   "She's not cool. Look at her hair I mean seriously" he carried on before standing up and storming out of the room.

    I felt a warm sensation run down my cheeks and I wiped away the tears that had overflowed.


   "So spin the bottle Rob?" a voice says.

     I'm pulled back into present day shaking the memories of the last time I had played this game from my mind. It was Amber who had told me to spin the bottle. I unwillingly pick up the bottle. It was way too familiar only this time we were using a wine bottle and not a coke bottle. I spin it as fast as I could. It slowed down before coming to a complete stop. I watch as it lands on Tobey and instinctively I smile. I begin to lean forward before Amber shouts out.

    "Guys don't kiss guys" she laughs. I was suddenly shaken out of my daze and back into reality. Oh yeah everyone thought I was a guy. Can't a girl get a break around here?

   "Erm yeah ha ha I don't kiss other guys. I was kidding of course" I nervously laugh pulling away from the gorgeous Tobey. I was a little annoyed at how narrow minded they were about two guys kissing though.

   "So rules state you have to kiss the closest person next to him which would be me" Amber gleefully chuckles. "Lucky you" she says winking at me and leaning over to where I was sat.

   I wondered if I could just run away like Jake did to me all those years ago. She grabs my jacket pulling me practically on top of her, I narrowly miss touching her somewhere inappropriately.  Mike and Jack didn't say anything about me doing this. They're going have to pay me overtime. I guess it was too late, this was happening. I close my eyes and slowly move forward. Suddenly I feel her lips upon mine. Is it over yet? It's only supposed to be a short kiss. Ok this wasn't so bad her lips were actually really soft and tasted like strawberries. Oh my god is that tongue? It has to be over now surely? Obviously not yet as she carries on and on and on...

   "Enough you two" my saviour speaks up.

    I open my eyes to see it was Rochelle who had saved me. Wait did she look jealous? I bang my hand to my head at how out of hand everything had gotten. I was feeling way too dizzy. Was that the alcohol or the embarrassment? Everything's going black. I'm think I'm going to pass out....

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