Ch 18: I Love You Guys

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Your POV

So tour is almost over. There's like 5 shows left. Not much has happened though. I mean Lo and I have grown closer as well as me and the rest of my sisters. I am always with one of my sisters. That may sound weird but we have 17 years to catch up on.

"Hey Y/N/N." Lo asks cuddling deeper into my side. I'm currently in their dressing room while they get ready for the second to last show. Lo was already done so she was sitting with me on the couch.

"Yeah?" I ask looking down at her. She looks up at me.

"Have you talked to the 5H girls recently?" Now that I think about it. I haven't really spent much time with them. I've spent all my time with my sisters. 

"No, not recently. Why do you ask?"

"They don't seem like themselves and the fans are starting to notice. They aren't as happy and jumpy as they usually are." Now that she mentions it she's right. It's my fault. I have to talk to them.

"I'll be back Laur." I get up off the couch and walk to 5H's dressing room. When I get there I knock on the door. Camila opens the door with red puffy eyes. Oh No!  This is all my fault.

"Oh Mila." I say opening my arms. She doesn't waste a second before jumping into my arms. I hold on tight to her walking into the room to see the est of the girls in the same state as Mila. "Girls." I say sighing, feeling bad I put the girls in this state. I open my arms for them too. To which they all run and jump on me causing me to fall to the floor. I hold them letting them cry.

"I'm so so so so sorry girls. I never meant to hurt you all. I just got so caught u in finally having my family I forgot about my sisters. Cimorelli may be blood related, but our bond is stronger and I am so so sorry for forgetting about that bond. I love you all so so so so much. Please forgive me." I get out on the verge of tears. I can feel them all nod. I smile happy that I have my sisters back.

"We love you too Y/N." They all say together causing us all to giggle. 

"Now as much as I love you all. Can you please get off me? I'm losing air." I say fake gasping for air. They all laugh then get up. Lauren and Dinah offering me a hand up, which I take. "Thanks DJ and Lo." I pull them both in for another hug. "Never forget that I love you all. No matter what happens I will always love you." I say wiping DJ and Lo's tears, then doing the same for Ally, Mani and Mila. "I mean I don't know what else to say but your pretty f***ing dope." I say causing them to laugh and pull me in for another hug again. It was a great moment to be with my girls again.

Then someone slaps my head.

"Oww, I should have expected that Als." I say rubbing the spot she it me, pouting. Causing the others to laugh.

"Ok girls time to get ready for the show." Janelle says poking her head in the door. They all nod and fix their makeup, with me trying to help, but I know nothing about it. Then we all walk out hand in hand to the stage.

"Movie night tonight, just us. Sound good?" I ask as we get to the stage.

"Of course. As long as we're with you we're good." Lo says smiling with the others nodding and smiling back. I smile back and hug them all again.

"Now go kick some ass on that stage." I say pulling away to be slapped on the head again.

"No cursing Y/N." Ally says sternly.

"Ok, sorry Allysus." I say holding my hands up in surrender. "Go kill it. I love you girls."

"We love you too Y/N/N." they say before going on stage.

I stand on the side and watch their concert. Thinking about how far our friendship has come. If I didn't have these girls I would basically be a jerk, considering I was raised by a bunch of immature boys. They made me who I am. I may have been the one who pushed Dinah to audition for X-Factor but if I didn't we wouldn't have the friends we do today. Dinah has been there for me since the start, and adding the other girls just gave us a stronger bond. 

Towards the end of the show Dani and Lauren come over and stand by me, grabbing a hold of my hand and leaning their heads on my shoulders. 

"Just so you guys know I'm gonna have a movie night with the 5H girls." I tell them.

"We figured you would. You may be smart but are completely oblivious," Lo says smirking up at me. 

"Haha very funny. But true." I pout realizing she's right. 

"I love you guys." I say pulling them both closer to me. 

"We love you too." 

A/N: Hey, sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. I didn't have any ideas and as you read this wasn't a good one. But, I hope you like it.

Just so you are all aware there is only gonna be like one or two more chapters till the end. I may even make the next chapter an epilogue. 


Thanks for reading,


The Unknown Cimorelli (Cimorelli/ Fifth Harmony/ You) [Wattys 2017]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ