Ch 15: Hospital (part 2)

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"Wow she seemed like a great person. It sucks we couldn't get to be with her before now." Katherine says looking down.

"Yea, but hey at least you get to know her now. Better sooner rather than later. Right?" Mila says. "I know she is happy to have finally met you guys. She would always wonder what her real family was like. And plus she would always freak when you guys posted a video. She loved you guys before she even knew who you were." Mila finishes.

"Awww" they all say. We talked for a little longer. Lauren, Amy and Dani fell asleep on each other. Normani and Mila were asleep on my shoulders. While Katherine and Lisa were asleep on Dinah. Christina, Ally and I were talking when a doctor came out.

"Y/N Cimorelli?" She asks. We all stand and wait to hear what she says. "Y/N..."

Present time

Ally POV

"Y/N is ok she is sleeping right now due to the sedative she was put under in order for us to retrieve the bullets. She will be ok but she will need to rest for a couple of days." The doctor tells us.

"Thank you so much Dr....." 

"Oh I'm Dr. Clarke. You can go see Y/N if you would like just please stay quiet. She should be up soon." Dr. Clarke explains.

"Thank you for all your help Dr. Clarke. It's because of you that Y/N is still alive." I say.

"It was my pleasure Ally. It was the least I could to to help Y/N/N." She explains.

"Wait you know us? How do you know Y/N?" Christina asks.

"She helped me a while back. She saved me from being hit by a car. She was hit instead. I helped her recover. When I found out she was shot I made sure they let me do her surgery. It was the least I could do to repay her for saving me." Dr. Clarke told us. 

"I knew Y/N was always willing to help people even if it did risk her own life." Dinah says.

"Sorry to break this up but can we please go check on our sister?" Lauren C asks.

"Yes of course you can. Room 30. Down the hall and to the left." Dr. Clarke tells us.

"Thank you doctor." I say as we all rush towards Y/N's room.

Lauren C POV

As we all rush down the hall towards Y/N's room I can't help but be scared about how she will be. We get to her door and see her sleeping in the bed. Her arm is bandaged up with a sling on it. I walk to the side of her bed and take her hand in mine. She slowly opens her eyes.

"Hey Y/N/N." I say on the verge of tears.

"Hey Lo. How are you?" she asks. 

"How am I? I should be asking you that you just got shot." I say. She chuckles. 

"What's so funny Monkey?" Lauren J asks.

"The fact you just said I got shot when I feel perfectly fine." She says trying to sit up only to groan in pain. "Ok maybe I don't feel perfectly fine." she says laying back down. 

"Ya think?" Dinah asks her sarcastically.

"How are you really feeling Bear?" Lisa asks.

"Ok i guess I could be better. Do you guys know how James is?" She asks.

"I don't know but if he's ok he won't be for long." Lauren J says clenching her fists.

"Leave him alone Lo. I don't want you to get hurt." Y/N says to Lauren.

"Fine" she pouts. Her fists unclenching.

"Awww is Laurser upset?" Y/N says in a baby voice. 

"No I'm fine." She says.

"Y/N I missed you so much." Dani says grabbing her other hand. Our sisters standing by Dani and I around Y/N's bed. Tears falling down all of our faces.

"I missed you guys too. I'm sorry all of this happened." She says trying to wipe away all of our tears.

"It's not your fault Y/N. It's James' fault. He was the one who acted on his revenge instead of talking it out with you and the guys. He is the one for this to blame not you." Katherine says rubbing Y/N's arm.

"Thank you guys. I love you all." she says.

"We love you too Y/N." We say hugging her gently so we don't hurt her.

"Awwww" We hear making us break apart.

"Way to ruin the moment girls." Y/N says to the girls.

"Sorry we couldn't help it. You guys are all just to cute." Camila says.

"Thanks girls. Now come here and hug me." Y/N says opening her arms for them to hug her. We move out of the way and they all rush over and hug Y/N being careful of her injuries.  

"Sorry to interrupt but, just checking up on Y/N." Dr. Clarke says coming into the room.

"Hey Clarke. How are you?" Y/N asks.

"I'm ok. Thanks for asking Y/N. How are you?"

"I could be better. So when am I free to go?" 

"You can leave tomorrow. We just need you to stay tonight to observe you to make sure all is well." Dr. Clarke explains.

"Thanks Clarke." Y/N says.

"Anytime Y/N. I'm only a call away. Don't be afraid to call me if you ever need any help. Lexa and I will be there when ever you need us." Clarke says giving Y/N her number. 

"Thank you Clarke. And tell Lexa I said hi." Y/N says.

"Sure thing, see you tomorrow kiddo. Make sure you get some sleep as well." Dr. Clarke tells Y/N sternly.

"Yes ma'am." Y/N says saluting her. Dr. Clarke leaves the room laughing.

"Now I don't know bout y'all but I'm tired." Y/N says yawning. "Lauren and Lo wanna cuddle with me?" 

Lauren and I both go to one of Y/N's sides and cuddle into being careful of her arm and stomach. The other girls cuddle up on the couches in Y/N's room. I close my eyes felling darkness surround me as I fall asleep in my older twin sister's embrace.

I'm so happy she's ok. I don't know what I would do if something happened to Y/N when I just got her back. I can't lose my sister again.

A/N: Hey guys, let me know how you like this story. I need more feedback from you guys. Also sorry if this is short. And holy Allysus over 1K reads on this story. I never even thought I get passed 100. Thank you to those who read and actually like this story.

I also have a story that I've written. I'm not sure if I should publish it though. It's another Cimorelli/ Fifth Harmony/ You. Let me know if you guys want to read it.

Thank you for reading.


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