Chapter 6: Goodbye's Are Hard

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Today is the day I get to go on tour with my best friends and favorite band. But today is also the last day that I will get to see the guys for a while. So this is a bittersweet day.

"Hey Y/N did you finish packing yet?"

"Yup. How about you Beau?"

"All done. All we are waiting for is the bus to show up. The girls said they will be here by 8 to pick you up. And we leave at 9."

"Ok," I get off my bed to give him a hug, " I'm gonna miss you guys. It will be weird not seeing you guys everyday"

"We'll miss you too Monkey. Please listen to the girls....... well please listen to Ally."

"Haha no worries. I'll behave."

"Sure ya will" he says chuckling.

"Hey!! Jerk" I say with a pout.

"Awww is Monkey upset?" Jai says as he walks in the room followed by Luke and Skip.

"Jai leave her alone. You are upset too. Don't deny it. Your gonna miss her too." Luke says. I run over to Luke and pull him into a hug.

"Thanks Bub." I pull all the guys into a group hug. "I'm gonna miss you guys."

"We're gonna miss you too Monkey." They all say.

"We will talk every day whether it be by text, phone call, or face time. This is gonna be the longest we have been away since you joined our family. We love you Y/N." Skip says tearing up a little.

"I love you guys too. And I promise to call or text you guys everyday."

"Man ya hit me right in my feels dawgs." We hear someone say breaking apart our group hug.

"Damn it Dinah. Why you gotta ruin their family moment?" Lauren scolds.

"Sorry I couldn't help it." Dinah says  

"Hey girls. When did you get here?" Beau asks. Still holding me close to him.

"Before Skip spoke. By the way nice way of words." Normani said.

"Thanks Mani."

"So are you ready to go Y/N?" Ally asks.

"Yup I just got to get changed. Hey Jai can you bring my bags down while I get changed? Please" I ask using my puppy dog eyes that he can't resist.

"Fine but only cause I will miss you." Aww I knew he had a heart.

"Thanks. Luv ya too Jai😘"

**5 min later (outfit above)**

"Hey I'm ready to go."

"Ok we already got your bags on the bus. You just have to pick a bunk." Ally says.

"Thanks Allycat." I turn to look at the guys who all have sad looks on their faces.

"Bye guys. I'm gonna miss you." I say pulling them all into another group hug.

"We're gonna miss you too. Have fun and please listen to the girls... well Ally." Jai says.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?" The other girls ask besides Ally.

"Oh please you guys know exactly what he means." Ally says.

"Yeah." They say kinda disappointed.

"But that is what makes being with you guys fun." I say giving them a hug.

"Girls we have to get going. We still have to get the Cimorelli girls." Janelle says.

"Ok. Well bye guys I will call you when we get to the venue." I say giving the guys one last hug goodbye.

"Bye kid."

The girls and I walk out of the house and onto the tour bus.

"Woah this bus is huge."

"Haha yup. Kinda has to be to fit 12 girls." Camila says sassily.

"Have you already picked out your bunks?" I ask seeing as it is 8 in the morning and I am still tired.

"Yeah we are on the left side. The other side is for the Cimorelli girls." Ally says.

"Ok. Which one is mine then?"

"Bottom bunk under Camila. DJ is next to you with Ally above her. Then Mani and I on the top." Lauren says.

"Kk thanks Laurser. I'm gonna go-back to sleep." I yawn in the middle of my sentence.

"Ok do you want us to wake you when we pick Cimorelli up or after?" Mani asks.

"After please. DJ come cuddle?" I ask with my infamous puppy pout.

"Damn it why do you always have to use the pout? Let's go little one." Dinah says walking towards my bunk.

Dinah gets in then I do. I immediately cuddle up to her side once I'm in the bunk.

"This tour is gonna be great D. I can just feel it." I say as I start to drift off to sleep.

"I know Y/N/N. I can feel it to."

Just as she finishes her sentence darkness consumes me and I fall asleep thinking about how awesome this tour is gonna be.

A/N: Hey guys so late update. But I am gonna try to update more. I just have to figure out how I want this story to go.

I also need some feedback from you guys as to whether or not you like the story and if I should even continue it. I should hopefully have another update by next weekend.

Thanks for reading!!


The Unknown Cimorelli (Cimorelli/ Fifth Harmony/ You) [Wattys 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt