Chapter 4

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Where do I even start? God, it's been way too long! Since I've moved into this house, I rarely spend any time on my computer anymore and, when I do, I look at this book and try so hard to write but nothing comes to me...or I get distracted...I am very easily distracted.

But here we are and I apologise profusely for the stupidly long wait. I cannot promise that I will frequently upload because I don't know when I'll be able to write the next chapter but I can promise that this story is ongoing until I say otherwise.

 Despite the long wait, however, I still get a lot of hits on these stories and I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has and is still supporting me with this series. I really appreciate it!!! It's you guys, your comments, that spur me on to write. It might take a while but I do eventually get around to uploading.

I really hope that I don't disappoint you with this upload. I had to re-read this series to get myself back into the mindset of rhythm of the book. 

(The picture is of my niece and my dog, Ned. She loves him though I'm not sure he's too keen.)

Benny x

Harry was lying on my bed, moaning and grumbling under his breath. He'd been like that for a while now so Fred and I, sat cross legged on the floor, continued to ignore him as we worked our way through the pizza we'd bought for dinner.

"I wonder who's going to be our DADA professor this year" I thought out loud as I scanned through my equipment list. Our Hogwarts letters had arrived this morning and, along with it, the list of all the books and stuff we'd need.

"Not a clue" Fred replied through a mouthful of pizza "but no one could be worse than Professor Jerk-face"

I grinned and nodded. "Too true" I agree over another loud groan from Harry. I threw an exasperated look over to where he was still laying, cotched out on my bed and sigh "you know, Harry, no one asked you to eat two large pizzas."

"Was so hungry" he groaned "I could have eaten a centaur."

"It's a shame that you're so full" I reply "I was going to ask Fred to head out and get some sweets and stuff for a midnight feast and I was going to ask you to go with him."

Harry sat up, sweating a little "I can do that. It's only early afternoon, I'll be hungry again by midnight."

"God, you're such a pig" I laugh.

"Speak for yourself, Snape" retorts Harry as he gets to his feet "you eat like a pig; I have no idea where you put it all or how you're still so damn skinny. Be back soon" he nods "gotta drop the kids off at the pool."

"Lovely" Fred grins, watching Harry leave and then turns to look at me "exploding snap whilst we wait?"

"Fred" I frown "would you still love me if I was fat?" Don't get me wrong, I'm not in the slightest bit worried about my weight or gaining it but I know that a lot of girls are so I wondered what Fred thought about it all.

"Of course" he replies without hesitation "Lil, I love you...all of you; I don't care what the scales say when you step on them and I never will." He smiles and shakes his head "I think that you girls worry about these things too much. I never judge on looks, though that's not to say that I don't think you're beautiful...because you are."

We spend the rest of our time left in London wandering around Diagon Alley, making excuses to go to my vault in Gringotts just so we could ride the carts, eating ice cream at Florean's and coveting the brooms in the Quidditch supply shop.

Lilliana Snape Book Three (Re-written) ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEWhere stories live. Discover now