Chapter 6 : That Seat (Chaeyoung X Momo)

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Chaeyoung's POV

Yeah, it is the first day of school, I was so excited as I can meet new friends in senior high school. Hope that I will easily make a friend at school from now. It will be fun if having a lot of friends at school yeah..

Ohh.. it is the bus to school direction.. I should ride it, I walk in the bus as I see the seat was all full, yahh it is bad since I have myself standing at the bus, I can't reach the bus hangger as I was to short, It is embarassing since the bus is fluctiating and I get myself dizzy for it.

I feel someone grab my uniform from back as I looked back, it is the girl with black hoodie and blonde hair standing up from her seat and offered me her seat.
"Ehh.. I'm okay" I said as I don't want make her  to stand instead of me.
"Just seat, I'm okay.." she said as she push me gently to her seat and replace me to stand at the bus.
"Thank you." I said as she smile at me an turn back to the front.
As she turn back I see..
"Ohh.. excuse me.. your hoodie.." I said as I see that her hoodie is torn at the back.
"Eh? Mine?" She said as she try to grabs around her hoodie and at the end she took it off from her.
Ohh she wear the same uniform as me..
"Ohh.. so we are at same school?" I said as she still looking at her torn hoodie holding it with her both hands.
"Yap as you see.." she said as she smile towards me.

She is checking her hoodie again and again as I can see it is her favourite things that she is so concentrate observing it.
"You need to buy new one" I said.
"Yap, unfortunately" she said as she nodded.
"What wrong with that? Why it is torn?" I asked as I trying to get close with her.
"I don't know, I think it is because I fell to the ground before" she said.
"Oh.. you should be more careful" I said as she looked at me smile.

The bus suddenly stop as that girl both hand still on her hoodie, losing her balance and bump towards me as she use her hand to hold her body leaning on my chair.
Her face is infront mine, shit she almost stole my first kiss accidentally.
I can feel that our nose touching each others as I close my eyes, Shockedly. I hold my breath as I can't even move, I can feel my face getting red as I open my eyes slowly while the girl looked into my eyes and try to get up..
"Ups, sorry" she said as she get up and grab the bus hangger.
"You okay?" I asked her as she nodded.
What is that? Shit.. my heart is going to explode.. it is beating so fast like crazy.. because of this girl.. what did I do? Did I eat some weird food this breakfast accidentally that I feel my body is boiling now, my heart is beating so fast... wuoohh.. why is it so hot here.

The bus finally stop as We are arrived at the school as she walk out the bus and I see something on the floor that catch my eyes.. it is name tag.. looks like mine but I checked mine it is still attach in my uniform. I take it as I see "Hirai Momo"..
Ohh.. it is must be that girl's..
Her name is Momo? It is so cute.. that blonde girl who offered me her seat is Momo.
ohh what is with me smiling alone.
Wait where is that girl I need to return this to her.
Why she is so fast? I can't see her along my way at school. Is she teleporting or something.

I looked at my watch and it is 7.58 ohh.. shit.. I must be at the class for now.. why I'm wandering around.. but what about this name tag? Should I just give it to the teacher and let them give back Momo or.. noo...
It is my chance to meet her again.. I can ask around people anyway.. where is her class..
But for now I need to find my class for two minutes.. I just have fucking two minutes.. shit..

To be continue...

Will update soon..

The next Chapter will be Nayeon X Momo..

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Thanks for reading guys 😉❤

P.S. I keep updating the special Chapter before for twice teaser Knock Knock photo. Go back to check it 😉

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