Chapter 11...Saying Goodbye...

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Dr. Moore had brought Alex in for Christa and Zak to say their goodbyes. Jeanne, Rick, Larry, Nancy, Meredith and Michael all got to hold Alex and say goodbyes as well. Aaron, Nick, Veronique, Jay, Ashley, Billy and Diana also got to say goodbye and hold Alex as well. Everyone mentioned on how uncanny Alex looked like Zak.

Alex got to stay with everyone for an hour before he had to be taken by the morgue. Everyone was in tears when it was time for Alex to go.

For Christa and Zak, it was the hardest either one had to go thru. Both didn't want to let Alex go.


Time was a blur. Christa stayed in the hospital for 3 days before she was released to go home. Zak had stayed with Christa while she was in the hospital.

When they got home after 3 days in the hospital, Jeanne had decided to stay with Zak and Christa for a couple of weeks. She had agreed to help Zak with plans on what to do with Alex.

While in the hospital, Christa and Zak had been visited by the owner of the funeral home and both agreed to have Alex cremated and scatter the ashes in the desert where they went hiking once before.

Jeanne and Zak spent a week after Christa was released from the hospital, settling with the funeral home. Jeanne, feeling sorry and the same hurt as her son and his girlfriend, getting the ashes that was of her grandson.

On November 30th, 2010, with everyone near and dear to both Zak and Christa, they scattered Alex's ashes in the desert. Zak's niece, Katelyn and nephew, Griffin, were also there.

Christa had felt depressed after losing Alex and spent most of her time, staying in bed. She was suffering as much as Zak was. They rarely spoke after losing Alex and after scattering Alex's ashes, the communication that was once so strong between them was silence.


It was 5 days before Christmas. Christa had fallen asleep before Zak. But she had felt Zak coming into bed a hour after she did. She had suddenly woken up and found the space next to her empty. Glancing at the clock, Christa saw it was 2:00am. She finally noticed the soft glow of the TV and saw Zak sitting on the armchair he had in the room, watching TV.

"Hey, baby. What's wrong?" Christa said.

Glancing at Christa, Zak smiled and said "Did I wake you?"

Sitting up in bed, Christa shook her head and said "No, you didn't."

Sitting up from the chair and climbing back into bed next to Christa, Zak draped his arm around Christa who leaned in against him.

"We haven't talked much huh?" asked Christa.

Shaking his head, Zak said softly, "No, we haven't."

Looking up at Zak, Christa said "I'm sorry."

"Why?" asked Zak.

"Because I know you're hurting as much as I am. Because we lost our son. Because it's almost Christmas and I don't feel like doing anything." Christa said.

Zak smiled as he kissed Christa's head. Pulling away, Zak said "I know. I feel the same way. It doesn't feel right. I've been so lost since everything. I've been thinking SO much that I think I'm getting white hair."

Smiling for the first time in weeks, Christa said "You're not getting white hair."

Zak smiled as he said "I'm kidding, sweetie. But I've just been thinking so much."

"About what?" asked Christa.

"Us. Everything. Work still makes me happy. But I've been thinking about us." said Zak.

"What about us?" said Christa.

"I don't know. Without us talking, I've been wondering if we should even be together if we can't even talk." said Zak.

Turning to face Zak, Christa looked at him. Zak could see the hurt in her eyes. Christa said "Zak, I love you. I know we haven't been talking. But it's hard for me too. I wanted this child. I wanted us to be a family. I.... I am just as lost as you are."

Placing his hands over Christa's cheeks as the tears fell over Christa's eyes, Zak said "I'm sorry, Christa! I'm sorry! I know! I know! It's what I've been going thru as much as you have. We've been thru so much! I don't know what to do either! Please don't cry, honey!"

Resting her head on Zak's chest, Christa sobbed as Zak wrapped his arms around Christa. He felt the tears fall down his own face. Both Christa and Zak had the hardest time dealing with the death of Alex. The child they both wanted. The one that they hoped to create their family with.


Christa and Zak had fallen asleep holding each other that night. They woke up the next morning at 11:00am. Christa, with her head resting on Zak's chest, sighed deeply as Zak stroke Christa's hair. Gracie had come into the room while they were sleeping and was lying by the edge of the bed.

Christa asked softly "What are we going to do, Zak? I don't think I can wake up in the mornings without you by my side. I don't know what I would do without you in my life."

Zak, draping his arm over Christa's back, said "I don't know, Christa. What if we just take it one day at a time? What if we work thru what we are going thru? Maybe my mom's right. Maybe we should see someone who can help us deal with all this."

Christa nodded. She remembered Jeanne sitting both Zak and Christa down and told them that they should see someone to help work out their grief and the pain they were dealing with. And help their relationship. Jeanne hated seeing her son and the girl who she considered a daughter hurt so much and seeing their relationship go on a downward spiral.

Sitting up slightly and looking at Zak, Christa said "I think that's a good idea. I think we should."

Placing a hand on Christa's cheek, Zak said "I think so. I love you too much to let you go, baby."

Placing her lips on Zak's, Christa kissed Zak hard. Zak placed his hand on Christa's neck and kissed her harder.

Feeling Christa's tongue slip into his mouth, Zak muffled out a laugh.

Pulling away, Christa, looking confused, asked "What are you laughing at?"

Smiling, Zak said "I think we're on the right track. We're making out like how we use too. You always slip your tongue in my mouth when you're passionately making out with me! I missed that!"

Grabbing her pillow and hitting Zak with it, Christa said "You idiot!"

Sitting up, laughing, Zak said "What's that for?"

Leaning close, kissing Zak softly, Christa said "Because I missed it too. I missed being in your arms. I missed kissing you. I miss the making love. I miss us."

Smiling, Zak ran his hand thru Christa's hair and said "I'm glad."

Zak leaned in and kissed Christa. Feeling her kiss back, he slipped his tongue in her mouth and felt her sigh and kissed him harder.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wanted to write more but it's late here and I need to wake up early in the morning. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll write more soon. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK SO FAR!!!!!!!

A Love Story...A Zak Bagans and GAC Story....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora