Chapter 10...6 Months Later...Part 2....

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"Wait! What?! A C-Section!" said Zak.

Dr. Worthington nodded as he said "The baby is CLEARLY in distress. We need to get the baby out as soon as possible."

Zak looked at Christa, who was close to tears. Turning back to the doctors, Zak asked "May Christa and I have a few moments alone. Please."

Dr. Moore nodded as she said "Make it quick. We'll get the OR ready in the mean time."

The doctors walked out of the room with Zak's family close behind.

As soon as the door closed shut, Zak walked over to the bed. Sitting on the side by Christa's legs, he looked at her and asked "Are you scared?"

Christa, with tears falling, nodded. Gulping air, Christa said "Very. Why is this happening, Zak? Why us? Why our baby? What did I do wrong to have this happen?"

Sliding next to Christa, Zak wrapped his arms around her. Zak squeezed her hard as he said "You did nothing wrong, sweetie. We and you did everything right for the baby and the pregnancy. We did nothing wrong. I wish I knew why this is happening but I don't."

Burying her face in his chest, Christa began to cry. What she didn't see was Zak crying as well. He was scared to death but he didn't want to let Christa know how he was feeling. He was trying to be brave for her.

Christa pulled herself off of Zak's chest to see Zak crying too. Wiping a tear off his cheek, Christa said "You're scared too, huh?"

Zak nodded and said "Yeah, I am".

They held each other for another 5 minutes when Dr. Moore walked into the room saying they needed to get ready for the C-section.


Drs. Moore and Worthington had taken Christa into the operating room to prep her while Zak got dressed in scrubs. He had also talked with his family. By then, Nick and V, Billy and Diana, Jay and Ashley and Aaron had arrived at the hospital.

20 minutes later, Zak was brought into the OR and was seated next to Christa.

Dr. Worthington was to do the C-section so Dr. Moore talked with them on what Dr. Worthington was doing.

At 4:45am on November 16th, 2010, Alexander Zachary Bagans was born and was quickly rushed out of the room to the NICU.


While Dr. Worthington had finished on Christa, Zak went to the waiting room with Jeanne, Larry, Nancy, Meredith, Michael, Rick, Jay, Ashley, Billy, Diana, Nick, V and Aaron.

Everyone jumped up when Zak walked in. Jeanne walked over to Zak and hugged him. Pulling away, she asked "Well?"

Looking at everybody, Zak said "He's here. Alex is here."

Everyone cheered as Larry asked "How is Alex, son?"

Looking at Larry, Zak shook his head and said "We don't know. The nurses took him to the NICU as soon as the doctor got him out. We didn't even see him."

"Did he even cry?" asked V.

Zak shook his head and said "No. He didn't even cry."

"So, what's going on now" asked Jay.

"The doctor is working on Christa as far as I know. They're going to let me know when she's in her room. And then I guess we wait" said Zak.

Jeanne motioned towards to one of the chairs and said "Why don't you sit down, Zak."

Zak nodded as Aaron said "I'll go get some coffee".

Diana, Jay, Billy and Ashley agreed to go with Aaron to see if they could some snacks too.

Nick, Larry, Rick and Michael were trying to keep talking to Zak who didn't even seem into it. They knew Zak was thinking about Christa and Alex.

Aaron, Jay, Ashley, Billy and Diana came back 10 minutes later with coffee and had armfuls of snacks.

Zak started to pace. He couldn't take it anymore of the wait. He wanted to get back to Christa. He wanted to know what was going on with little Alex.

Finally, 10 minutes after, Aaron and everyone else came back from the coffee run, Dr. Moore walked into the waiting room with a tall male doctor.

Standing up to greet them, Zak asked "Dr. Moore, what's going on?"

Looking at Zak then to the doctor next to her and then back at Zak, Dr. Moore said "Zak, I would like to introduce to you, Dr. Todd Johnson. He's the doctor from the NICU."

Shaking Zak's hand, Dr. Johnson said "Mr. Bagans."

Zak shook the doctor's hand and said "Doctor, my son. How's my son?"

Dr. Johnson looked at Dr. Moore who nodded. Looking back at Zak, Dr. Johnson said "I'm sorry, Mr. Bagans. We did everything we could. But unfortunately, your son has passed away."

Zak could hear the gasps of everyone behind him as he said "What do you mean? What do you mean he's passed away?"

Dr. Moore said "Zak, the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck too tightly. He was very blue by the time we got to the NICU. Dr. Johnson and the nurses did everything they could to help Alex. But it was already too much for his body. He passed."

Zak inhaled sharply as he felt someone touch his shoulder and squeezed it. He could sense everyone staring. Mostly likely, like him, not knowing what to do or say.

Zak inhaled deeply and then asked "Christa? Does she know?"

Dr. Johnson nodded as Dr. Moore answered "Yes, she does. We told her before we came in here to informed you."

"What room is she in?" asked Zak.

"Room 2025" answered Dr. Johnson.

Zak  shoved his way passed the doctors and ran to room 2025.

Zak found Christa with her arms wrapped herself sobbing.

Christa looked up when Zak walked in. "ZAK!" cried Christa.

Zak ran over to the bed and wrapped Christa in his arms. Christa sobbed harder as Zak held her. Zak could feel the hot tears fall from his own face.

Pulling away from Zak, Christa asked "Do you think this is what my mom meant when she said I was going to lose the baby?"

Zak, looking at Christa, said "Could be."

"What are we going to do?" asked Christa.

Gulping, shaking his head slightly, Zak said "Say goodbye, I guess."

Just then, the door opened and walked in Jeanne, Rick, Larry, Nancy, Meredith and Michael. Each of them hugged Christa. Jeanne asked "How are you feeling, sweetheart?"

Christa shook her head and said "Not good. I can't believe any of this. I can't believe this is happening at all." Jeanne smiled and said "Honey, you know we're here for you in whatever we can."

"What do we do now?" asked Christa.

"Say goodbye" said Jeanne.

Just then, the door reopened and walked in Dr. Moore, Dr. Worthington and Dr. Johnson. Wrapped in blankets, Dr. Moore was holding baby Alex. Looking at Christa, Dr. Moore said "We have someone we would like you to meet."


Until the next time.....

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