Dare Sugg and Y/N

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 Tommorow is Sugg Sunday so Joe decided that he and I should do a dare Sugg and Y/N video.

We each picked out 10 dares that fans have asked us to do.

Joe sets up the camera and the lights whereas I prepare the stuff for the dares.

« Y/N, are you ready ? »

I come in the room with my Sugg life tee-shirt and my black joggers.

I sit beside him when he says :

« Ready ? »

I nod as he gets up and turns on the camera. He sits down and starts his video :

« Hey guys, so as you can see, I'm with my best friend Y/N and today we are going to do something that you all love but that we will hate and will probably want to die because of the gross stuff we are going to taste or do, so here it is, Dare Sugg... »

« And Y/N ! » I say with a smile as Joe laughs

« So we have picked out 10 dares from you guys and we're gonna have to do them »

« Okay » I take out my pad and read out the first dare :

« This is from @unicornsuggy that says : I dare you to eat a spoonfull of mustard and then take a shot of lemon juice » I laugh but I can hear Joe moan with a frown on his face :

« Why are you doing this to me ? Do you want me to die ? »

He does it and his face is priceless. His nose tingles, his eyes blink rapidly and he starts to cry as I laugh my head off :

« I'll get my revenge. This is from @Jaspoliwithglasses who says : I dare Y/N to do a headstand while singing « Can't Say No » by Conor Maynard »

« Challenge accepted ! »

We move to the livingroom as I stand in the middl. I position myself and do a headstand and start singing.

Joe laughs, probably because of the faces that I'm pulling while I sing and seeing him laugh makes me laugh.

We continue giving each other dares.

Joe had to eat a ghost chili, dress up as a woman and get his makeup done, prank call his mum telling her that he got me pregnant, had to scream that he loved licking snails, eat my face cream, lick my armpit which was digusting, go down the stairs with his segway, crack an egg on my head, drink coca cola and vinegar and finally, he had to eat a whole bar of butter.

After making Joe suffer, it's now my turn.

I had to drink pickles juice, eat a raw onion, prank call Alfie telling him that I was badly ill and in the hospital, roast Joe, lick his toe, hold his shock ball for a minute even if the shock was before the minute was up which I failed, get a pie thrown at my face, get ice down my pants, wear an adult diaper and finally, the last one :

« And to finish this video, your last dare is given to you by @Joe_Sugg who says : I dare Y/N to kiss Joe »

I laugh and look at Joe who seems quite serious :

« But, Joe, that's your username »

« I know » he says with a smirk

I blush as he sits closer to me.

He puts his hand on my cheek and in a flash, I feel his lips on mine, soft, delicate under mine, sweet like sugar.

I always knew that I had something for Joe but I didn't know that it was that strong, until he kissed me.

We let go, out of breath, our eyes locked on each other with a ridiculous grin on our faces :

« Well guy, that was dare Sugg and Y/N, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe, it's free and I will see you soon with another Sugg Sunday ! »

I wave as he turns off the camera. He comes back to my side and says :

« Listen, Y/N, I've had a crush on you for a while and I was scared that you didn't feel the same but I guess I was wrong.

Would you like to be my girlfriend ? »

I tilt my head and pretend that I'm hesitating, seeing that it's making him stressed out :

« Of course I will »

He smiles as he kisses me again, this time, the kiss is filled with love and passion.

We let go and go the livingroom and Joe brings his computer as he edits today's video.

Once he's finished editing, we would watch the video but I could feel his gaze on me.

I lift my head up as he leaves a soft kiss on my head, my eyes fighting to stay awake but my mind telling me to sleep.

In the end, we both fall asleep on the couch in each other's arms...


Hello my little chickadees, I hope you enjoyed this imagine and if you want, you could also check out the new book that I've brought out, Imagines on Conor and Jack Maynard, that would mean the world to me. Love ya !

Joe Sugg & Caspar Lee imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now