For Better Or For Worst (Joe Sugg)

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    I honestly don't understand the world's fascination with love, I mean, we all love someone but in our own way, I haven't found that person yet and that's okay with me, I'm 20, my career as a YouTuber is going great with 1 million subscribers, I have amazing friends, a wonderful family and my life is just amazing but there is always something or someone that always changes your life for better or for worst.

I write that down in my notebook, hoping that one day I can release this as a book.

I'm currently in a cafe working on my very first book, the editor asked me to basically talk about myself, when I do it unconciously, it always works but when I really think about it, there's always something that blocks my train of thought.

I leave my seat and get out of the cafe, wrapping myself up in my furry white coat and my grey beanie that has a koala on it.

I walk down the white street, looking like the pages of my new book.

I get a call from my manager, telling me that PointlessBlog has invited me personally to a YouTuber Christmas party, because apparently he has watched some of my contents and wants to meet me. This is insane. Once the call ends, I squeal of excitement as I rush to my flat and jump all over the place. Alfie Deyes asked ME to go to a YouTuber Christmas party !

I call my best friend who screams on the other side of the line, making me deaf for a minute. We keep talking about what I'm going to wear, what hairstyle I'm going to have, what style of makeup when it's a week away, I just can't believe this...

A week later :

Today's the day. I woke up with a skip in my step and a smile on my face, knowing that tonight might change my life completely.

The party starts at 6:00 pm but I decide to get ready two hours before that but before that, on my way to the cafe.

As I arrive, all the seats are taken and for some reason, I feel drawn by a table with a young man with brown hair and brown eyes.

I walk to the table and say :

« Hey, is it okay if I sit here ? »

The boy raises his head and freezes completly :

« Umm y-yeah, g-oo ahead »

I sit down with a frown on my face, wondering why he reacted that way :

« I'm sorry I reacted that way it's just that I'm a big fan of yours and I have seen most of your videos and they are hilarious »

« Thank you, you remind of someone, someone quite famous... »

« I'm Dan Howell »

Wow, wait a minute, first Alfie Deyes invites me to the YouTuber Christmas party and then I just randomly bump into Dan Howell. What the hell is happening ?

« Oh my god, how did I not recognise you ?! I'm such a big fan of yours, your videos are amazing »

« Thank you, that's very kind of you. Do you know that there's a christmas party tonight ? »

« I know, PointlessBlog invited me, he wants to meet me »

Dan looks at me with wide eyes :

« He must really like you because that is the first time that he has ever done that for anyone »

As I hear those words, I start to stress a little but Dan disturbs my train of thought as we engage into youtuber stuff. A few hours later, I notice that it's 4:30 pm so I decide to leave the cafe as Dan screams :

Joe Sugg & Caspar Lee imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now