An Accident Meant To Happen (Joe Sugg)

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  After a long day , I decide to leave work.

I'm the assistant of a fashion designer.

My boss is starting to get quite famous so the work adds up but it's great for him.

I go out and run straight to my car as it is pouring outside.

I hate driving in the rain.

I run to my car and put the heating on.

I turn on the car and start driving, the rain blinding my sight.

The road is very slippery so I try to be careful.

I tap on the steering wheel, the music entertaining my thoughs.

All of a sudden, a bump, a big bump.

The car moves but without any of my control.

My head spins, my body paralysed from the shock, my heart beating fast from the fear invading my body.

I hold on to the car, my ankle hurting and my face covered in cuts and bruises.

I scream :

« Hello ? »

I wait for a few minutes but no answer. I walk around slowly and scream again :

« Are you okay ? »

I hear a loud grunt come from the other car.

I walk up to the sound, slowly but surely.

I look throught the broken window of the other car and see a young man in the car seat, grunting with cuts and bruises on his face.

I bend down and say :

« Are you alright ? »

He smiles but with pain filled in his eyes :

« I could be better, I'm stuck and my arm is killing me »

I bring my hand to the car door and pull the door, freeing him.

I give him my hand as he puts his in mine.

I grunt as I pull his hand to get him up.

Finally up, I put his arm around my shoulder for him to hold on to.

I walk up until we are out of the glass, I put him down ;

He says :

« Sit down, you need to lie down »

I don't listen until I feel myself light as a feather but also heavy like a rock...

Joe's POV :

She falls on the road near a piece of glass.

I get up and try to stop a car. I succeed, the stranger coming out of his car and calling the ambulance.

I go back to her and take her hand in mine.

I don't know this girl but there is one thing I know : she saved my life

I stay by her side, my hand still in hers, tears falling from my eyes.

A few minutes later, sirens are heard from afar.

They arrive and take her away but for some reason, I can't let go of her hand, I don't want to let go.

I ask them if I can go with her and they didn't accept at first but as they see that I'm also injured, they accept.

Joe Sugg & Caspar Lee imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now