1914-1918 (Caspar Lee)

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   The noise of bombs and screams invade my ears.

Hiding under a table all by myself, my dress covered in dirt.

1914, the year that the first World War has begun and it is becoming deadly.

The papers try their best to reassure us, that there won't be a lot of casualties and that we will make it, now, I'm not so sure.

Hours pass and the explosions continue, deafining my ears.

I pray that I will survive and so will my fiancé, Caspar.

All the men were chosen to participate in the war, leaving us, women to make their weapons such as bombs, grenades, even bullets.

We are all under tables, holding hands and hoping that we will make it, that we will survive this apocalypse.

The bombings stop as we shake in fear, praying that there won't be a surprise.

I get up to go and check, the others pulling my dress for me to come back. I open th door and find the colonel standing by the door :

« The bombings have stopped...for now »

I show a small smile as I let him go throught and help the other women.

We get back to work until the small hours of the night.

I go back to my house and pray for Caspar to come back, I also do the same for Joe, Oli, Jack, Conor, Josh and all the others.

I sneak into the sheets and wish that Caspar could be by my side...

Caspar's POV :

The explosions start again as the germans try to drop a bomb in our trench which they fail as the bomb explodes beside it, sparing all of us from a certain death.

We are all together as we talk about the people we love.

I pull out a picture of Y/N and I from my pocket, she looks so beautiful.

We had gone in a field that day and I had made her a surprise picnic then, we ran around as I had to catch and everytime I would catch her, I would make me fall and hover over her, peppering her with kisses and whispering sweet little nothings in her ear, only for her to hear.

I miss those days when it happiness that was invading our hearts, not fear.

I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder and I turn to see Joe, dirt all over his face and a small smile, trying to comfort me.

It's actually thanks to Joe that I met her, without Joe, I don' tknow what would have happened but I wouldn't change a thing :

« Mate, try to get some sleep, we ned the energy for tommorow »

I nod as I look at her picture one more time and hold it to my heart, hoping that I will survive this hell and go back to her...

4 years later :

It has been four years since the apocalypse has been going and it's becoming deadlier by the minute.

We are currently hiding under the tables again, it has been the fourth time today, I hope that Emma is okay.

When Caspar left for war, I didn't tell him I was pregnant because I knew that he would worry too much.

He had noticed that I was sick but I told him that it was a flu.

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