Snowflakes (Joe Sugg)

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It's a snowy day in London, all the roads are blocked, all of the family are or outside playing in the snow or inside, standing by the fire or watching the TV while eating chocolates.

I'm currently lying in bed in my pyjamas and fluffy sock, waiting for Joe to come back to bed so we can cuddle and just have a lazy day.

But that was obviously what Joe had planned. I get thrown warm clothes on the end of the bed when I yell :

« Babe, what is this for ? »

Joe runs in the room like a hyper-active child and says :

« We are going outside to freeze our nipples ! »

I laugh whereas Joe just smiles at me :

« Do you want to build a snowman ? »

Oh no, not this :

« Come on, let's go and play »

He sings as he jumps on the bed and tickles me. He screams :

« I could do this all day ! As long as you don't say yes, I will keep going ! »

I squeal under his touch as he tickles your ribs, making me burst into fits of laughter. After a few minutes, I scream :

« Okay, you win ! Babe stop ! »

He stops but interrupts yme with a soft kiss on your lips, making my body warm up from the cold.

He lifts himself up from the bed and goes to the bathroom. 

I get out of my cocoon and pick up the clothes. 

I slip out of my fluffy pyjamas and socks and wear my cheesy christmas sweater with grey leggings and my boots. 

Joe comes out with his cheesy christmas and his black joggings and his boots. 

I put on a beanie as he puts on his.

We exit the flat to find the city white, like a blank page.

All of the children squealing of joy, making snowmen and making snow angels.

Others are having snowball fights and going down hills on their sled.

This is an amazing view of loads of people who don't each other who have fun together. 

I look up at Joe who has his arm around my shoulders, snow fallen on his beanie, making him look like an angel.

He looks down at me and his eyes, just look like heaven (I'm so obssessed with his eyes, I need to stop but ejfief) his eyes that come out even more because of the whitness of the snow.

He leans down and I prepare myself for a kiss but I feel something cold on my face. Snow. He has declared war.

I run away from hims and prepare my ammo as he does the same. 

I go behind a hill of snow and start throwing snowballs at him. He avoids most of them but still gets hit. 

He runs toward me to steal my beanie. 

I get up only to get my beanie on my head that is of course filled with snow. I laugh and adrop myself on the snow as he does the same.

 We both make snow angels and ashe gets up, he asks a man that is accompanied wth his children if he can take a picture of us in the snow. 

He kindly accepts and take Joe's phone as Joe lies beside me, his hand in mine. 

Once the picture taken, we both get up and thank the man for being so kind. 

We run back to the flat and get out of our cold and wet clothes. We take a shower and dress ourselves in our comfiest clothes. 

I step out of the room when Joe is sitting on the couch, staring at his phone. 

I sneak behind him and wrap my arms around his neck. He turns to me, smiles and kisses my arms as I look at his phone. 

The picture was gorgeous, the two of us in the white snow, holding hands. I look closer and say :

« I didn't even feel that snowflake on my nose »

Joe zooms in the picture and see that small snowflake on my nose. He smiles and opens up his arms for me to snuggle into as we spent one of the best days ever


That was probably the cheesiest trash I have ever written but if you liked it please like it, comment or even ask for a request. That's is the last one for tonight but hopefully I will post more tommorow !

Joe Sugg & Caspar Lee imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now