Come and Get Him

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It's time for the last chapter of Pokemon High. Thank you guys so much for your support! You've guys made it so much more fun to write this story! I hoped you've enjoyed my chapters, and I hope you enjoy this one. So enough blabbering, and let's begin the final chapter.

The footsteps were getting closer. They sounded like they were in front of Ash, so he turned around, and began running the opposite way. He had no idea who was there, but he didn't want to find out.

The dark hallways made it hard to see anything, but he constantly kept looking over his shoulder checking if anything was too close. He turned a corner then stop. The pain running through out his body was unbearable, but  he kept quiet. Listening for any footsteps, or anything that sounded like movement. Nothing.

Did I lose them? He asked himself. What am I even doing? I'm in a hospital, I think. It was probably nothing. He sighed, and rounded the corner, to head back to his room. It was too dark and couldn't see, but he remembered he only went straight.

When he got what he thought was his room, he noticed that the door was wide open. He remembered that he didn't open it that far, and quietly tip-toed towards the door. He stopped when he heard what sounded like whispers coming from the room.

"Where did he go?" One of the voices asked.

"I don't know. I told you we should've gone earlier."

"Yeah, and risk getting caught. No thanks."

"Shush keep your voice down there are still people around."

"Why does the boss want this stupid brat anyways?"

"Not sure, but we should still fallow his orders. Now let's go, and try to find him."

"Ugh. This will take all night."

"Better then going back to the boss empty handed."

"You've got a point."

"Of course I do, now let's go." Ash heard footsteps coming towards the entrance, and freaked. He ran away from away the door as quickly, and quietly as he could. Unfortunately it wasn't quiet enough.

"There he is!" The first voice point out Ash, as he ran down the hall.

"Let's hurry, and catch him. He's hurt so it won't take long." The two men fallowed Ash, as he tried his best to gain ground between them. It seemed like they were right. Ash was hurt, and it wouldn't be long before he'd need to stop. Until then he tried to lose them. 

Ash took another sharp turn down, yet another long hallway. He looked over his shoulder to find the two men were still fallowing, and were gaining ground quickly. Shit! Ash thought looking away from the men, and tried his best to run faster. He didn't want to put his brothers in the same situation so many years ago, so he ignored his pain and forced his legs to run even faster.

"Man this kid's fast. What are we going to do?" The first man asked.

"Just lead him outside. There's backup remember?" The first man nodded his head, and focused on chasing Ash outside.

Soon the door to outside of the hospital was in sight. For a moment Ash thought he would escape the two men, but when he looked outside he could see there were others out there. He stopped dead in his tracks forgetting about the two he running away from.

They grabbed Ash's arm, and pinned it behind his back. He flinched from the pain that ran through out him.

"Let me go!" He yelled trying to shake them off.

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