Ash's Guilt (Chapter 3)

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Ash's classes seemed to fly by with congratulations every now and then. Finally it was lunch. He went into the cafeteria hoping to get some lunch. He was starving.

"Ash, what are doing? Aren't you supposed to be at gramps office?" Gary lectured Ash. Ash scratched the back of his head. "Oh yeah. Thanks Gary" He ran out of the cafeteria, heading to Oak's office.

"Glad you could meet with me Ash." Oak had said when Ash entered the room. "I've heard you defeated Paul."

"Yeah. He was tough to beat though. So why did you want to see me?" Ash sat down on a chair facing Professor Oak's desk.

"Ash,... what happened back in Kanto?" Ash was a bit surprised, but he knew he shouldn't be. Ash didn't say anything, he just stared at his shaking hands. There was a long moment of silence.

"It's okay Ash. No one can hear you in here." Oak said thinking that he didn't want to tell him because he was afraid someone might over hear. Still Ash said nothing. "What happened between you and team Rocket?" Ash felt a wave of gilt wash over him. He remembered everything that happened that night even though he tried hard to forget.

Professor. Oak heard  a 'tink' as Ash's tears began to fall onto his hands. Oak then realized he said something that he shouldn't have. He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Well if you're not going to say anything, then you can go back to lunch."

Ash looked up at the professor. Oak was surprised to see that he was showing him that he was crying. Ash wiped his tears away, stood up, bowed, and walked out the door.

When Ash go back to the cafeteria, the lunch ladies said that they're done serving food. "Oh man. I'm starving." Ash's stomach growled. "Ashy-boy!" Ash heard Gary yell behind him. He turned around to see Gary sitting at one of tables. He gestured him to sit next to him.

When Ash got there Gary noticed Ash's cheeks were still rosy from crying. 'Was Ash crying?' Gary didn't want to ask him right now because he knew Ash would be embarrassed.

"I knew you would hungry so I saved you a tray." Gary said when Ash sat down.

"Oh thanks man! I owe you one." Ash held up the back side of his hand in a fist, Gary did the same before they lightly bummed them together.

"Ash is it true?" Asked Misty who was sitting across from Ash at the table.

"What is?"

"About you beating Paul." Dawn interrupted.

"Yeah, but he was really strong."

"Don't be so modest Ashie-boy, Pikachu didn't get a single scratch on it. While my Pokémon get beat, bad, before Unsaring faints."

"Really your Pokémon didn't get a single scratch?" Said a dark green haired boy, with a green shirt, red shorts, and a light red headband around his head. Ash met him earlier, and his name is Tracey.

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu yelled in accomplishment. The whole table laughed. "Pika?" Pikachu looked around the table, then at it's trainer. Ash was laughing along with the rest. "Pika-pi!" Pikachu yelled in excitement before rubbing it's cheek on it's trainer's.

"Aw." Iris admired the bond she saw between Pikachu and Ash.

"Kawaii." Dawn said with sparkles in her eyes. Ash laughed at his Pokémon, then grabbed it in a hug.

After school Gary asked Ash if he could walk with him. They were about a block away from the school now, that's when Gary asked, "Ash, why were you crying?" This took Ash by surprised. He had no idea he was so obvious. 'Did other people think the same? I hope not.'

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