The Battle Continues

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Yay! It's chapter 10 time! I didn't think I'd make it this far. Anyways with that said, let's continue.


Green laid Ash on the ground as Pikachu, and Persian, and Blastoise, Umbreon, and the two Charizard Xs clashed. Serena ran to them.

'This is all my fault.' She thought getting misty eyes, as she stared at the unconscious boy.

"Serena do you bring the first aid kit!" Yelled Gary getting distracted not noticing the flame thrower being shot at he Blastoise. He quickly turned to it then yelled, "Retract!" The Blastoise retreated into it's shell.

Serena quickly remembered that she had a first aid in her back pack, but her back pack was back at the school.

"Oh no it's in my back pack at school."

"Run back to the school. Get some help." Green panted kneeling down causing pain to run through his legs. "No one can go anywhere, but you right now. So please. Do it for Ash."

Serena determinedly nodded, as she brought her fist close to her chest. She quickly darted for the direction of the school unnoticed.

Ash's breathing was uneven. Green hoped that he wasn't internally bleeding. He then hesitantly turned Ash onto his stomach to examine his burns. He gasped at what he saw.

Ash's back was scorched. Pink flesh dotted his back. Blood ran out of the pink patches running down ward. What parts didn't have pink flesh was black. Some of his clothing was still intact, but it was black with a hint of orange outlining it.

Green went to touch it, and when he made contact Ash flinched in pain. Green looked at his own burnt legs. It was mostly pink, but nowhere near as dreadful as Ash's burns. 'How could they do this?' Green thought looking back at Ash. Pain was written all over his face. He struggled to breath. His eyes were closed tightly. His eyebrows were inward, and he would do sharp, fast exhales ever so often.

Green took off his shirt to use it to stop what blood he could from leaving Ash's body. "Alakazam could you lift him up for me?" Gary asked. The Alakazam nodded then used physic to lift Ash off the ground. Green couldn't let his wounds get infected, so this was his only solution. Green weakly got up, and began putting pressure on his cuts. Ash once again flinched in pain. Green quickly pulled away.

"It's oaky. Calm down." Green whispered in Ash's ear. Ash's face then seemed to relax a bit. Gary loudly exhaled before he began stopping the bleeding again. 


-With Serena-

She was stilling running through the forest. She had to get help. She ran down the path that she remembered led to school. She was beginning to grow tired, and weak, but then she remembered Ash's sate. 'No time for a rest.' She thought to herself, as she picked up her pace.

When she finally mad out of the forest she right away saw the school. No one was walking around. She guessed they were all in class, then she ran through the gates that, thankfully, weren't closed yet.

She sprinted down the empty halls towards Oak's office. Her side was hurting, and her breathing was heavy. 'No time for a rest.' She kept repeating to herself. She darted through the office doors making the secretary stand up from her chair.

"Young lady! You should be in class!" She yelled at Serena, but Serena ignored her, and ran to Oak's office. She threw the door open causing Oak to jump. He spilled his coffee that he was about to drink all over him.

"S-Serena? You should be in class!" Oak scolded. Serena leaned over placing her hands on her  knees, and was panting.

"*Pant*...Ash...*Pant* he's...he...needs...h-help." Serena said trying to gasp for air with each word. Oak shot up from his desk, and walked over to Serena.

"Come on Serena sit down." He said leading her to the chairs. "' G-Giov-vani..." She said remembering what Green had mouthed. Oak's eyes widened. He ran out of the room, and yelled to his secretary, "Call the police. Say there's a 'code R.'" The secretary's eyes widened then quickly dialed something on the school phone.

Oak ran back into his office, and he too dialed something on the phone causing the school speakers to crackle. "Students, we will no commence a lock down." He began. "This is not a drill." He then repeated the something a couple more times.

'What is he doing?' She asked herself. "Serena, wait until the police come. Until then, tell me what you can."

"WAIT?! ASH WON'T BE ABLE TO WAIT THAT LONG!" Serena screamed trying to take her worry out on Oak.

"Serena there's nothing we can do, and you know that." Oak said placing his hands on her shoulders. She yanked away from him. "Never give up until it's over." She said looking him angrily.

Oak sighed. "Fine." Oak walked over to his desk, opened one of the draws, and then grabbed two items.

"Let's go."

-With the rest-

"GREEN LOOK OUT!" Gary yelled grabbing Green's attention. He looked up find a flame thrower heading towards Alakazam. "Psybeam!" Yelled Green. A colorful blue light hit the blue flamethrower, and blocked it.

"That was close." Green breathed.

"Water gun!" Gary yelled at Blastoise. The Blastoise aimed it's guns on it's back at the two Charizards, and blasted gallons of water at them. The two easily dogged obtaining no damage while Blastoise, and Umbreon were running out of breath.

"Dark pulse!" Gary yelled causing the Umbreon to jump into the air, and blast a dark beam at the Charizards. One Charizard used scratch to block it causing it blow up. Smoke filled the area, and the only light was Pikachu using it's thunder attacks.

"Pika...Pi....Pikachu." Gary heard Pikachu yell while it did it's attacks. Giovanni didn't say anything. He didn't give any commands. He would just snap his fingers, and Persian would attack. Both Pikachu, and Persian were running out of breath.

"Pika-pi-pikachu. (I'll never g-give up.)" Said Pikachu out of breath, and struggling to stay on it's feet.

"(D-did your weakling t-trainer tell you that?)" Persian mocked out of breath, and struggling to stay on it's paws.

Pikachu growled, as it's anger seemed to give him energy. "(Don't you dare! Ash is a reverse word of a lot stronger then you could ever be!)" Pikachu shouted, as it leaked electricty out of it's cheeks. 

"(Oh? Then why did he pass out after a few measly hits.)" That Persian was really getting on Pikachu's nerves.

"(Shut up!)" Pikachu shouted as it jumped into the air collecting electricty in it's tail. Pikachu turned the electricity into a ball then came flying at Persain. It's eyes widened as it saw the Pikachu heading straight for it.

"Doge it!" Giovanni commanded, but Pikachu was too fast, and the Persain was too slow. Persain got hit, and fell unconscious.

To be continued!

I hoped you guys enjoyed, and please tell me what you think! I hope that I see you guys next time. With that said, Bye!

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