They Are Coming

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Hay guys! I just wanted to thank you all for all of the support! You guys are great! With that said let's continue!


"Ash..." Green began taking a deep breath. "I've...I've seen your brothers."

Ash shot up from his chair knocking it back. "W-what?!" He wanted to say, but he was in too much of a shock that nothing came out of his mouth. He held his breath. He couldn't believe that Green has seen them, but Green's expression said something that Ash knew he wouldn't like.

The room was silent for a minute, as Green, and Oak let Ash take in the news. Ash's stomach hurt. He felt like he was going to throw up. He wasn't sure if he should excited or nerves. "Ash that's not all. Y-you should sit down." Oak said killing the silence.

Ash hesitantly picked up his chair, and sat in it. He took in a deep breath calming himself. Ash had millions of question swimming in his head, but his vocal cords didn't want to produce any  noise.

Green played with hands, and was staring at them. He looked nerves to continue. 'What will he think?' Green thought. Butterfrees flew around in his stomach. He took in a deep breath trying to tame the Butterfrees, but they were being untamable. Ash was about as unpredictable as his brothers were. Even Green was shocked when he found out where Ash's brothers were for six years.

Oak as well looked as if he was nerves, and sad. He stared at his hand which were neatly folded on his desk. 'What will he think?' Oak also asked himself.

Ash stared at the two in confusion. They were acting weird, as if there was more to the story that Ash wouldn't like. Even Pikachu looked confused.

"W-What's w-w-wrong?" Ash managed to force out.

-With Serena-

Serena finally made it to school. When she go there everybody was acting weird. Someone even came up to her and asked, "Serena, is it true?"

Confused, Serena, walked away to her locker to get her books for her first class. As she was about to grab her text book, her locker door slammed closed. Luckily Serena, pulled her fingers away just in time; if she hadn't they wouldn't been trapped in the door. Serena flinched of the thought of the pain.

She angrily turned her head to whoever slammed the door, and found Miette standing there with an evil grin on her face. "What do you want?" Serena rolled her eyes, and crossed her arms.

"My friends were wondering if that thing about Ash is true."

"What are you talking about?" Serena commanded, as she opened the locker.

Miette leaned closer to Serena, and lowered to her voice to a whisper. "You know, about his brothers going missing." 

Serena almost jumped out of her skin. That's must of been why everyone was acting weird today. The news must have spread. She automatically felt bad for Ash. She kept silent, and stood there for a second.

"So is it true?"

She still didn't respond. How could she? I mean almost everyone knew, but if she said it was true, she wasn't sure how everyone would react. Also Ash for that matter. Serena quickly grabbed her books, and began walking to class.

"Hey Serena! You can't just walk away!" Miette yelled after her. Serena picked up her pace walking to class hoping no one else would ask her if it was true.

-With Gary-

Gary walked to Oak's office because everyone was swarming him asking if Ash's brothers going missing was true. He felt guilty. This was all his fault. If he hadn't told Serena then Trip wouldn't have known, and the news wouldn't have spread. He couldn't imagine how Ash felt now.

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