Can you keep a secret?

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Lexi's POV:

The boys were busy with work are were currently in New York for some performance thing, so I had invited the girls over to hang out later today. Just as i was about to sit down and read, the door bell rang. Opening the door and saw it was Eleanor. "hey! how have you been?" she smiled and gave me a hug before replying. "Hey! i've been great. The honeymoon was amazing and I got to see some amazing places and just relax while we were gone for a few weeks." Closing the door behind her we walked towards the kitchen. Thank goodness I already had the tea pot on the stove getting ready for tea so by the time we got to the kitchen, all i had to do was get cups out, tea out, and pour it. We talked about almost anything and I mean pretty much anything and we just caught up. But I was not prepared for what happened next. "Can you keep a secret?" she asked me and I said yes before she continued. "Well since  the boys left yesterday I went to the doctor because I hadn't been feeling that good but didn't want to worry Louis so I told him it was nothing to worry about and that I probably just ate something bad. So I got a call from my doctor about an hour before I came over telling me the results." she paused and took a deep breath before she continued. "Well my doctor told me thati'mgoingtohaveababy" she rushed out the last part. I laughed alittle before replying. "El you mind slowing down that last part a bit? I could not catch a word you said". We both laughed before she replied. "Please don't tell anyone, but I'm going to have a baby" well I was not expecting that, but i'm super excited for her."Oh my gosh Eleanor! You're going to be a mum! Congrats!!!" we both laughed at my reaction and hugged quickly. "I know it's crazy. I'm still trying to process the info. I knew though when I found out that I could trust you and had to tell you first because you are my best friend." she stated. "Aww El that's so sweet. I'm honored you told me first and can trust me! I know I can trust you too and you are also one of my best friends." we quickly got to talking about the baby and how she planned on telling Louis. It was decided that she would tell him thursday night when the boys got back. 

------------------------------------Skip to thurdsay night-------------------------------------------------------------------------

It was late thursday night and Liam wasn't home yet. Louis was the first to be home and El had sent me a text that eveything had gone great and that Louis was happy as could be and that all was good so that was a really great sign. The question was, where was Liam? With Harry, Niall, and Zayn maybe? I looked at the time on my clock as i plugged it in to charge and saw that it was already 11pm. I had to be up early in the morning because I was meeting Katy and a few of the Lucky Seven girls to go shopping for a movie premire we were all going to but going to get breakfast first so i decided to go to my closet and pick out an outfit so i wouldn't be as rushed in the morning. Finding the cutes outfit, I hung it up on the clothing rack I keep prepicked outfits on when I have a busy day. Just as I was about to grab a pair of shoes that I wanted for the outfit I felt arms go around by waist and pull me closer to the person. Before I could scream, a hand was placed over my mouth. I was about to try to break the hold when I was quickly turned around to find Liam standing there. Taking his hand off my mouth, He went the kiss my cheek but I pulled away before he could. "Liam Payne! Don't do that! You know how much that scares me when I know you have been gone and i've been alone for awhile." I told him while hitting him on the arm, but in a soft manner. He laughted and pulled me close to him again."I know but I just wanted to suprised my lovely wife because I missed you so much." Aww he is so cute. I'm still not fully use to being called his wife because it still feels like a dream. We kissed before pulling away. I grabbed my shoes and other accessories and placed them with the outfit for tomorrow before walking out of my closet and into the bedroom only to find Liam in his closet with the doors open. I quietly closed my closet doors and turned the light off in there. When I turned around I saw Liam's shirtless back facing out to the bedroom. If i might add, he looked very toned and sexy. Not wanting to get caught for looked at him, I walked into the insuite bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my wet hair out again since I bushed it after I shower but wanted to brush it out again since it had dried a bit. As I was walking out Liam was walking in. About five minutes later Liam came to the bed and crawled in next to me and turned off the lights, before proceeding to come closed to me and wrap his arms around me. "I love you, love I really missed you while I was gone." Liam spoke softly. "I missed you too." We kissed and I felt the sparks fly as always. "I love you" I said to him. He kissed the top of my head before softly pulling me closer to him. "I love you too. Night" He said. How did i get so lucky to have such a loving husband? Soon i was fast asleep dreaming dreams about what was instore for me tomorrow and the next following weeks.

(AN: Hope you all liked the chapter. The song I choose for the chapter will be posted on the side so make sure to check that out. Also please remember to vote, comment, and tell your friends/followers about this story.)

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