Chapter 1

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"Duh?" Tikki had her hair in two buns, wearing a Ladybug themed outfit. A red shirt with black spots and black three quarter trousers. Two red shoes with two red bands for her twin buns.


"Shh. Your parents!"

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry."

"I honestly don't know why I'm human. It's never happened before. But I know one thing though. I look good." Marinette laughed.

"True. You look awesome! But how am I supposed to explain this to my parents?"

"Random sleepover with friend from school?"

"Perfect. Hey, you wanna come to school with me? You look about my age-"

"Though I'm way older-"

"You would fit in." She shrugged.

"Sure. I have to anyway. How are we going to transform?"

"I have no idea."

"Oh well. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Let's go!" They rushed down, almost out when Marinette's parents called after them.

"Hold it right there Marinette. Who is this friend of yours?" She turned back, smiling. Tikki waved awkwardly. Oh boy.

. . .

"Plagg? Is that you?"

"Shut up and gimme some cheese kid." A tall boy with black hair, a black top and black trousers with black shoes appeared in Plagg's place, green eyes staring at Adrien.

"Huh. This is pretty cool."

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever I want cheese." Adrien rolled his eyes.

"Why is this happening? What's going on? Is Ladybug okay? How are we going to transform? Is something wrong? Is there-"

"Oh for pete's sake how am I supposed to answer all that if I don't have any energy?"

"A catastrophic situation for you Plagg. But seriously. How are we gonna get to school?"

"Don't worry. You go. I'll meet you there."

"How am I supposed to explain this to-"

"Adrien." Natalie's voice rang through the speaker. "You're late."

"Coming! See you... eh... human Plagg."

"Wait my-" the door shut. "Cheese. What does a cat have to do to get his cheese?" He sighed and jumped out of the window, leaping from branch to branch till he got to school.

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