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A friend introduced me to this amazing place and I couldn't have done all of this without her and some friends of mine.
And for the past 6 months writing on here hasn't been much fun and this seems like a chore for me.
I've decided that I'm going to stop writing on here.
I know I'm letting a lot of you down but I feel like if I wrote whatever you want me too and I don't give it my all like I use to then it will be crap.
I love you guys. All the positive feed back and the requests, you are all amazing.

With that said I'm only going to be writing on Tumblr @ fandoms-hero and @ fandoms.archives (that account I do with Meowlnir and Agent_Anna).
I will finish my Supernatural book that I've started.
I love you guys!
DM me on Tumblr or PM me on this account. I will still have this account because I'm reading all your amazing story's.

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