Bucky Barnes ~ Nightmare

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

Bucky has a nightmare for a few nights and I'm the only one who can calm him down. One night Tony busts in my room and sees what's happening. (Readers name is Megan)

Requested By: @louissstyle2016


Even though our rooms in the Avengers Tower is sound proof I can always here Bucky's screams. They aren't ones you hear on a ride when going down a steep hill, they are the ones you hear when someone screams bloody murder. It's the worst, they hurt Bucky but in a way they also hurt me. I put my wavy brown hair up in a bun while running to Bucky's room.

Bucky's room is different than everyone else's. It's the way he wanted it, they way he designed it, it's so no one would get hurt. I open the door and see Bucky sitting up huffing and puffing, sweat dripping down his scared face, terrified. Bucky's eyes are wide with fright and horror of whatever went on in that dream will happen again and again and again, like he doesn't recognize that he is in a safe place. I give a quick smile and sit down on his bed hesitantly. First time I came in his room he was kinda in a daze of seeing a Hydra room so he kinda almost choked me but as soon as his hands touched my neck he snapped out of it.

"Why-why do you come in here? You know I can hurt you." Bucky's voice cracks.

I bit my lip, "I know, but you would do the same."

Bucky shakes his head and looks down, "I don't know if they are getting worse but I can't stop them. I haven't had a regular dream since I lived here."

"Do you think it's the place?"

"No, I just hate being alone."

I can feel the tears come to my brown eyes and I take a deep breathe while looking away. It's the only way for me to be strong. I need to be strong for him, it's the only way I can calm him down. I brush Bucky's hair back, and smile to him, "We can figure this out. How about I stay here and we can watch movies and eat a bunch of food."

Bucky smiles a nods. Seeing Bucky smile is always a great sight because whatever I do to keep him happy, keeps me happy too. I pop a DVD in to the T.V and we just sit next to each other watching it. I remember falling asleep on Bucky's shoulder with his arm around me.

I wake up to an arm around my waist and a sleeping Bucky. No screams, no tears, no huge amounts of sweat dripping down his face, just happiness. I turn slowly to face him. He is so cute when he sleeps, peacefully. His lips are the perfect pink when he smiles, watching him smile and laugh makes my day. Messy hair and all Bucky is amazing. He sucks in his breath and starts to stretch but notices me staring at him.

"Oh, I'm-I'm-" Bucky starts but I ignore him.

"No nightmares?"

"I-I didn't have any."

I push hair out of his face once again, "That's great!"

He pushes my hair our of my face, "You have really pretty brown eyes."

I blush, "Thank you. You have really great amazing hair."

Bucky smiles, "I thought about cutting it a bit."

My eyes widen, "No. That way I can't braid your hair."

Bucky chuckles.

The day seemed to go normally. Steve noticed how close Bucky and I were and complimented our friendship and Bucky's improvement since he first came here. Stark doesn't really talk to Bucky that much, he is still a little scared that Bucky will go 'rouge' and kill him and everyone else. Tony and Bruce usually stay in the lab anyway. That night was different than all the rest, Bucky screamed louder than ever. It woke me up, I started shaking so fast that I ran faster than Pietro to Bucky's room but it was only me and Bucky before Tony busted in here with his suit on his hand powered up. Bucky was in a daze again and having Tony here wasn't going to fix anything. Bucky got up and dodged the beam that came at him that went through the wall. I pushed Tony out of the way and hugged Bucky. Every muscle seemed to relax in Bucky and he hugged me back.

"What did I do?" Bucky cried.

"Tony. What the hell?" I screamed.

"He was gonna kill somebody. He could've killed you!" Tony answered

"What do you think? He is just going to be okay after what Hydra did to him? Would you calm down!"

Tony tilted his head and pointed at Bucky and I, "How'd you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Calm Bucky down?"

"I just do."

"Has he been having nightmares like this a lot and you just come in here to calm him down?"

I nod slowly. I didn't realize Bucky's hand was in mine till I tried to go in front of him in case Tony wanted to blast him again.

"Bucky loves you?" Tony asks

I can see Bucky's face go red and he tries to hide his blushing. I turn to him, "Is this true?"

"Well...I, uh.....I mean...Yes."

Tony makes his way out of the room and closes the door behind us. Even though this place is a mess and there's a hole in the wall, Bucky and I completely ignore it and go back to staring into each others eyes.

"Megan, I hope this doesn't effect-"

"I love you too." I kiss Bucky on the lips. He's surprised at first but kisses me back. "Let's go to bed."

NO, WE DID NOT HAVE SEX. We slept in the next day and spent the whole day talking and bonding and watching movies. Bucky and I are taking it slow, we never cut his hair to like before you know who. Bucky is just perfect. Everyday he is getting better and the sun starts shinning longer and brighter. Everyday with him is amazing. Bucky says he loves me everyday and everyday I say it back, one of the best things is that Bucky never had another nightmare again.

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