Bucky Barnes ~ Project T.A.R.D.I.S

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

Bucky in 2016 is your boyfriend. One day the Doctor shows up and brings you back to see pre-Winter Soldier Bucky.

The first day when I met Bucky he said I looked familiar but quickly shrugged it off as nothing, as did I. But if you would have told me yesterday that a random man, who turns out he's an alien from a parallel universe known as the Doctor who has 2 hearts that time travels through space and time, grab my hand and said RUN! I would have looked at you and slapped you till next year.

I was in the cemetery looking at my mom's grave with the angle standing over her grave crying. It's funny, have never seen it when I was here. I stare at it till I hear something of brakes. I turned around and saw a man come out of a blue box coughing at the smoke coming out of it. Generally, as any normal human would do is run away but of course I ain't normal. I walk up to the man.

"Hey. What did you do to your box?" I start.

"Big lot she is, no, sorry, who are you?" The man who's hair is to one side with a bow tie and suspenders questions.

"(Y/n). And your's?"

"The Doctor."

"What? Just The Doctor? Doctor Who?"

The Doctor laughs, "Exactly. Now, what are you doing in this place?"

"Mom's grave." I say simply, "So, your box?"

"It's a Tardis."

"A Tardis?"

"Yes. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. Keep up."

"What's happened to it?"

"Good question. I don't know but it's dropped me off here. Where's your mom's grave?"

"Over by the angle statue." I point behind me.

The Doctors face goes white and he grabs my hand pulling me into his.........HUGE ASS TARDIS.


"Bigger on the inside. Yes, I know." The Doctor starts to fiddle with things and then the Tardis starts to make the squealing voices again. "Okay. So where do you want to go?"

"Excuse me?"

"Seems that your mom's grave isn't a safe place. So, any where in time and space, where do you want to start?"

"There is no way I'm going anywhere."

"Why not?"

"Because, how? I'm surprised Stark hasn't invented this yet."

"The 1940's it is!"

I watch everything turn and go in motion and then BING we stop. The Doctor smiles at the door and I run to the door and open it. 1940's music is playing and it looks like the Stark expo. I remember because Tony showed me pictures. I slam the door shut and the Doctor smiles, "Amazing isn't it?"

"What should I wear?"

After I got dressed in the Doctors miled closet, we went out into the world of the 1940's. The Stark expo. A flash in the distance comes from a crowd, the cameras are quite annoying but something catches my eye. Is...Is that Bucky? And Steve, small Steve? They are with some people, some girls I don't like. I turn to the Doctor who has already wandered off so I take my chances and walk up to the ladies who are talking while Bucky talks to Steve about the army in the Great Hall. I told them that there man walked off to the other side of the park, they left.

Bucky turns around to come back to the crowd and I 'accidentally' bump into him. "Oh, I'm sorry." I mumble with the cutest smile possible.

"Sorry, ma'am. Have you seen two ladies walk away a few minutes ago?" Bucky questions. I stare at him for a moment. With no metal arm, no long hair and I say he does look good, he looks good. "Ma'am?"

"Uh, oh! Your the guy named Barnes? They had to leave, they'd told me to tell you but they didn't specify where."

"Well, what about you? Where's your date tonight?"

"Absent, some guy done me wrong."

"Do you mind joining me?"

"Don't mind at all."

That night we talked about everything and anything. We didn'tstop talking till the Doctor signaled me to leave, as I did but I couldn't stop from being sad that I won't see that Bucky ever again and he won't see me. I now know why he said I was familiar, at least he has gotten his memories back.

The Doctor said he would see me again soon, something about Traveling again for a while later in life. I smiled and said why not because this adventure was far from my last. Just in case the Weeping angle that he explained to me was still around he dropped me off in the tower.

The next day I ran into Bucky and I gave him a big hug. "Buck, you wouldn't believe what I went through."

"What's the matter doll?"

"I love you. You know that right?"

"Of course. And I love you too."

"If you two love birds are done, will you come to the lab?" Tony asks through the com.

Bucky and I hold hands and walk down to the lab. I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him close. He laughs and pulls me closer. We enter the lab with pictures on the screen.

"I found these yesterday on my door step." Tony points. It was pictures from last night or...70 years ago. Weird to say.

"Who is that?" I say.

"Well, FRIDAY identified it as you. And another guy we couldn't identify but that's not the point. How'd you get there?"

"That's not me. There's no way." I act astonishingly

"Are you sure? Because you talked to you best man here and made his hot friends run away." Tony raises his eyebrows

"Is that you, (y/n)?" Bucky questions.

"Uh, yeah?"

"How'd you get there?"

"It's a long story which I am too tired to explain right now. I will tell you guys later."

"I looked for you. I really liked you. When did this happen in your time?"

"Last night actually."

"Well, I'm glad I meet you then. You looked really pretty in that dress."

"You were hot. What can I say? I like a guy in uniform."

"PLEASE NO! GOD! No kinky stiff in the lab. Go to your rooms."

And so we did.


I don't know what the hell this is but it works? NO? Yes? Ugh. I wrote badly and want to die because of school and life and school. Mostly school.

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