Bucky Barnes ~ Vigilante

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

You and Bucky were walking home when Bucky stopped to get coffee as you waited outside because of the long line. Suddenly someone grabbed you from behind dragging you into an alley. Bucky comes running to save the day when the guy is already on the ground. You take a look at his wallet raising some questions from Bucky.

Requested by: anonymous

Normal day in New York City. Everything was good until Bucky left to go get coffee. I waited outside because I didn't feel like standing in that small place because of the line. Bucky and I would go here every now and then due to it's popularity we went less frequently.

"Shadow", Someone whispered making me look around. That name is my Vigilante name, my only name that I care about, the only name that I know who it belongs to. It was stupid of me to react to it, I made eye contact as someone grabbed my arm and ran as fast as he could down alleyways as well as buildings. When we finally stopped he laughed, "I thought you would put up more of a fight seeming that my theory is real. I knew that it had to be you, the infamous Shadow."

This man is a big guy, part of the operation I'm trying to bust and he judged grabbed me most of the blue? Stupid. I can use his weight against him. "Wait till the master sees you-"

Before the man can say anything else, I take his arm and twist it till the elbow is facing my direction and I punch it in, hearing a pain full snap. Then I kick in his keg making him fall to the ground where I wrap my legs around his neck pulling him down to the ground choking him. I sit there for a minute to make sure he is dead. I get up just in time to see Bucky run in in full on attack mode.

"DOLL!" He yelled. I almost laughed at the fact that he thought that I couldn't handle myself but then I remembered that I haven't told him my secret. I have to play the card of, 'I don't know what is going on'.

"Bucky!" I screamed and ran into his arms.

"What happened?" He question. I basically told him the truth except that I wasn't;t the one who did all the fighting, Shadow did, and I wasn't wrong about that. Suddenly, the man I though who was out permanently popped up.

"You think you can kill me?" He demanded looking straight at me. "What have we here? A boy toy? How nice!"

The man reached for Bucky who was ready in his stance but didn't know that the man he was going to face had the power of hallucinations, to which I'm immune-long story. I pushed Bucky out of the way and move the guys arm just as I did before but the man knew what was up. The man grabbed my neck and lifted me off the ground, I swung around to snap his arm again-this is Dias just because if the man has to strong of grip he will break your neck-and I hear it. The man howled in pain. I took the chance to put the mans chest and above behind me grabbing his spine and pulling upward, breaking it. This time he is dead. icky just stands there wider eyed, opened mouth. "Looks like someone can take care of themself.

"Bucky, are you alright?"

"Am I-Are you alright? How'd you know to do that? Did Natasha teach you?"

"Yes", I lie, "Yes. But let's forget about what happened, I want coffee."

"Did you kill him?"

"Self defense."

"(Y/n), that's not alright. Aren't you traumatized?"

"I'm a Avenger for a reason."

"But I haven't seen you kill anyone..."

"Bucky. I love you and I'm not traumatized. Can we just go enjoy our coffee?"

"We are discussion this later."



I have no requests and no idea how to write-Can someone help me please? Requests are open and I will gladly write them. I know this is shitty but bear with me, please! Also, REQUESTS.

What if I started...

Supernatural Imagines


Avengers Imagines....?

I don't know, just an Idea but REQUEST PLEASE!


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