Bucky x Reader, Steve x Reader ~ Thanksgiving Special

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

Sad to Happy ending..?

Who ever was hunting today shouldn't be hunting. It was just like Carl in the walking dead, who got shot while coming close to a deer. It was my land, it was my buck but apparently another guy thought otherwise. I was in my blind as usual after sitting there for an hour and waiting for this damn buck. Twelve pointer looked straight ahead.

I aimed and them POW-it wasn't my gun it was the mans. He is a real bad shot, right into my abdomen. The buck got scared away and I was left dying. I fell back on the ground feeling the blood pool over. It hurt taking in a deep breath but I pulled myself up and hobbled into the cabin.

Throwing my clothes off and getting the first aid kit. So many scars on my body it will be easy hiding this one. I'm 27 years of age with over 12 scars on my body because of the Missions we go through as Avengers.

Over the course of the next two hours I finally get the bullet out.


The phone makes me jump but I answer it.

"Hello?" I start

"Hey, Darlin'. When are you coming back to the tower? We are going to start cooking soon and your one of the best chefs." Bucky asks, my boyfriend. He's a great man. With the hole in my stomach how am I going to make it back to the tower?

"How's everything up there?"

"It's pretty good. First Thanksgiving since....well y'know."

I chuckle, "Yea. I'll be there in a few hours, gotta pack up."

"Alright, well, I love you."

"Love you too."

I hang up and throw the phone on the ground rubbing my face. I stitch up the wound enough to last me till tomorrow so Tony can do something about it. It should be fine.


To make sure no one could see the blood I wore a regular t-shirt and a black sweatshirt. I could feel it peaking through the bandage. I cannot ruin the day for Bucky.

"Tony, can I talk to you for a minute?" I grab his arm as he's about to get his drink from the bar.

"Depends-" Tony smirks

"Tony it's important."

"Oh, I bet."

"I got shot." I say bluntly.

He eyes me up and down, "Yeah right."

"I really need your help."

"Where did you get shot?"

"In the stomach." I put my hand up my shirt and pull it out with blood on the finger tips.

Tony's eyes widen, "How the hell are you still alive?"

"I don't know! Are you gonna help me or not?"

"Yeah. Come with me." Tony grabs my arm and leads me to the lab. "Friday, do a body exam."

"Yes, sir." She replies, "No vital organs punctured, bullet is out and area is stitched, 72% infection from poison."

What? If you poison a deer who can't really eat it....unless he wasn't gunning for a deer, he was gunning to kill me. Someone wanted to kill me, "Well, can we stop the infection?"

"Treatment for 2 weeks." Friday states. "Should I notify James-"

"No." I shake my head.

"(Y/n), he's your boyfriend, he deserves to know." Tony persuades

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