Bucky x Reader, Steve x Reader ~ Love is you and I

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier


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I always loved Christmas, from the loaded amounts of cooking to the adrenaline of opening the presents. It's so cool to know that you are with family and loved ones on these holiday's seeming that anything can happen to stop these events but it has been the same since who knows when. Well, except for my Boyfriend, Bucky Barnes. Yes, my parents were skeptical of him at first with the whole Winter Soldier thing but they soon got over that when they saw how much I love him.

Today is Christmas Day, the day that we all sit around, getting along, opening presents that we worked to get. Bucky, who is sound asleep has a sudden surge of energy bouncing of the bed making me fall off it. His long hair a mess as he stumbles to get dressed. I laugh, "Bucky. What are you doing?"

"Today is Christmas Day! Aren't you excited?!?!"

"What's got your panties in a bundle?"

"I'm excited!"

"Well, I can see that. Let's go downstairs and get some breakfast while the family wakes up."

As I make my way to stand Bucky comes over to me and picks me up bridle style busting down the door, running down the stairs and setting me on the couch. My brothers and sisters and their children soon follow suit, along with my parents. Buck, who has already finished making coffee and breakfast in the fastest way possible sits down and smiles.

"Good Morning, James!" My dad exclaims rushing down the stairs so fast I was sure he was going to tumble down. My mom not that close behind starts laughing at her husbands excitement.

"They are so happy." I whisper to Buck who just smiles at me. Once everyone has settles down I grab one of the presents from under the tree and hand it to Buck.

His eyes widen, "For me?" I nod. Bucky has been talking about making a photo album for us of us in case things happens so I made one for him and got the supplies for him to make one for me. I swear I thought he was going to cry if he didn't hug me as fast as he could. The kids opened their presents as well as my brothers and sisters, they were all happy. Bucky and I got a numerous amount of things, it was amazing. We all sat quietly watching "It's a Wonderful Life".

The movie ended and people were so tired from opening presents half of them were asleep. That didn't last because the energized Bucky jumped up got on one knee and turned to me.

"(Y/n), with the approval of your parents..." Which he looked at, when they both nodded in excitement Buck faced me once again. "I love you so much, and seeing all of this-all of us together has never made me happier. Once you were in my life I knew everything was going to be okay because I had you. Even though I do not have the ring and this wasn't planned, I want you to marry me. I love you so much. (Y/n) (l/n), will you marry me?"

I was too stunned to talk, tears rolled down my face and I forced myself to do something and I nodded yes. Bucky picked me up and spun me around and around. Once I finally could feel the floor beneath my feet he kissed me, and in that moment I have never been happier.

Steve Rogers AKA Captain America


New Years Eve Party

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I stared at the people in front of me, unmoving. They suck in their breath wanting to know my next move, the sadness in their eyes has already told me that they know that the will lose. It's easy to give up but they hold on. I let go of the dice falling onto the board.

"SEVEN!" I shout, "I beat all of you again!"

"How? How-how is that? Are you cheating?" Tony glares

"Haha, don't make me laugh, your just bad at this game."

"No, your just to good at the game!"

"Exactly." I smile.

From a distance we can hear crowds of people dancing, yelling, screaming of joy for the New Years Ball Drop. In exactly 4 hours 3 minutes and 12 seconds it will be a New Year.

"I don't even understand why people celebrate these events. The earth just made a full rotation around the sun, what's the fuss about?" Vision questions watching the people from afar.

We sit in the Avengers tower watching over Times Square.

"Well, Vision, if you must know. People celebrate a new year because they survived, because they didn't die and they are living, because the realize they want a fresh start and that's the way to get it. It's something we humans like to hold on too." I explain.

"We all aren't all Humans." Steve smiles taking my hand in his.

"Well, I like to consider us to be." I rest my head on Steve's shoulder and watch the lights dance till Tony ruins the moment, "also because people like getting drunk, which is exactly what we should do."

"Stark you know I can't get drunk form your unsavory alcohol." Thor challenges

"That's because you haven't had the right kind, plus your people always get down to it, getting drunk of that powerful whatever." Tony sass's

"My people?"

"Gods and demigods."

Thor nods, "Whomever shall get drunk first wins Asgard alcohol."

"Your on." Natasha joins in.

"Don't look at me, I have kids to take care of." Clint puts his hands up in surrender.

"I don't think it would be a good idea for me to get drunk." Banner chuckles

Everyone else joins in but Steve and I, we take a walk. Steve and I have been dating for some time now, almost a year. He is a great guy. Sweet, caring, protect not that I need it and he knows that, funny where it counts the list goes on and on.

"Do you have any New Years Resolutions?" Steve asks

"No. I can't."


"Because I already love who I am. How about you?" That was a lie, sort of. I can't change anything about me that could benefit me or anyone else, because we all know a huge storm is coming with the infinity stones and we know all the Resolutions we made will be broken. But, benefit of the doubt Steve still made some.

"Get a dog. Go running in New York with you."

"Consider it done, but if you get a Dog you got to run a normal pace."

Steve chuckles at that, "I love you."

I look into his eyes. His eyes are an ocean and every time I look into them I find myself drowning in love, "I love you the most."

"I love you more."

Later Steve and I were on the Tower's balcony watching the ball drop. I hugged Steve as the seconds counted down.











and then we kissed......

Bucky and Steve Imagines #2Where stories live. Discover now