Steve Rogers ~ Tù Casa Es Mi Casa

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

Steve and the reader switch bodies accidentally. Tony, the reader, and Steve only know about it so they go on with there bodies normal lives till Tony can switch them back.

Requested by: @Jun_the_superhero

"And you think you can do better than me?" I snap at Steve who is criticizing my moves on the mission.

"Sneaking around? Easy. You need to work on everything that went wrong on that mission." Steve argues.

"Which was?"

"The whole mission."

"Y'know what? I'm sick of being your partner on these stupid missions. I'm going to ask Tony to assign me a new partner." I snarl at Steve. Before Steve can say anything I'm already running to Tony. Steve and I fight more than anyone in the tower because of his stupid ignorant ass. I hate him. I burst into the lab making Tony jump slightly.

"Guys, don't-" Tony starts

"Tony! I need you to assign me a new partner, I can not work with this son of a-"

"Tony!" Steve runs into the lab standing by me. He goes to point at me and pushes a button. Tony's eyes widen, "Guy's! Get out of there-!"

We couldn't move because just then a surge of electricity went thought our bodies. I blacked out.


"Ugh, Tony." I begin but soon stop when I notice how deep my voice is. It's...It sounds like Steve's voice. I jump up, knocking into almost everything in Steve's Body. "OH MY GOD! STEVE YOU IDJIT!"

Steve wakes up in my body. His eyes venture along his body and he jumps, "Why are you me? WHY AM I YOU!"

"I warned you guys." Tony laughs.

"This isn't funny Tony! Change us back!" I was super manly.

"I could if I knew how-" I start walking up to Tony ready to punch him but me? Pulls me back. "Steve, (y/n), I'll work on it. But from now on you'll have to live each others lives. It shouldn't take that long. Give me a day."

Steve and I share a glance. "FINE." We say simultaneously.

Steve's day in the reader's body

Being in someone else's body is extremely weird, even weirder than finding out Johann Schmidt as an actual red skull. I start walking down the hall into the training room to find Nat training. I can't talk to her.

"(Y/n)! Hey!" Nat grabs my attention. I spin around on my heel and head her way.

"I heard that Steve gave you trouble about the mission you were just on, are you okay?"

How would (y/n) answer?, "Yeah. Fine. Fury ordered me to go home and 'think about my decisions'. So, I will see you later!"

"Uh, yeah, bye." Nat mumbles as I walk out of there. I think Nat knows somethings up because she watches me as I leave. Whatever, there's nothing I can do at this point. It's getting late, I should go home-or to (y/n)'s house.

When I get there the door is unlocked which I found strange but I don't care.

"Mom!" Someone shouts. I jump as a little girl grabs on to my leg. This girl is holding on so tight I don't think my leg is getting the circulation I need.

"Hello! (Y/n), you child was wonderful. I must be heading out, I have that date I told you about! Have a good night!" A nanny waves as she walks out the door.

"How was work, Mom?" She asks

"Uh, work was different." I smile trying to get the child off of me. I had no idea that (y/n) had a child. How the hell did she keep that from us? Why is the child still here? Does Fury know about her?

"Did you and Steve fight again?" She pouts. She removes herself from my leg and I crouch down and brush her hair out of her eye.

"Why?" I ask

"I don't like it when you two fight."

"No, we didn't fight today."

The girl goes back to smiling, "Well. That's good. Can we watch our movie now?"

"Uh, sure."

Reader's day in Steve's Body

I broke Steve's door handle with his strength making the next door neighbor, Sharon, seem surprised. I said my apologizes and went inside. He has a pretty cool apartment. I don't know how to work half the things in here because they are all from the 1940's. It's weird being here. I feel like I'm in the 1940's, somewhere I don't want to be. I almost pity Steve, I told myself from the beginning since we met that I wouldn't pity him but I think that was the problem.

I look around and see pictures of the Howling Commandos, One of Bucky and Steve, One with Peggy, a bunch of pictures of his friends. It's.....sad. I almost ate this pictures down because they remind him of what he lost. Should I take these pictures down? No. This isn't my call.

I find Steve's bedroom and fall on the bed exhausted. I don't want to be here, I want to be with Emily, my child. The team and Fury don't know I have her. What is Steve going to say?

I'm barley home. This isn't right to have a kid in my house when I'm barley home. I think I should drop her off at my friend, Zoe's, and see where it goes from there....but Anna is a little more responsible.....I don't know.

I decide to take some of Steve's pictures down.

The next day in Tony's lab

Steve and I don't say anything to each other as we wait for Tony to get the things powered on. Tony looks between us and raises his eyebrows. "Wow, I thought we were going to need Hulk to rip you two apart this morning."

"Tony. I just want to go home." I sigh. I was waiting for Steve to tell Tony that I have a child but to my surprise he doesn't say anything.

Before we know it we are back in our own bodies and I don't have any more super strength, "Steve. I broke your door handle."

"That's alright." He shrugs. We start walking down the hall together.

"If you ever need help watching-" Steve starts

"Steve, I don't think she's going to be staying with me long."

"Why? She's so good and brave and great and-"

"What kind of parent am I if I leave her home all the time?"

Steve doesn't say anything. He just pulls me into a hug and lets me cry into his shoulder, "I'm here for you."
Something you didn't know it that when Steve went home and saw that most of the pictures on the walls weren't there he didn't even bother looking for him, he know the reason you took them down and he kept them like that.

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