Steve Rogers - Hunting

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

The Winchesters call you mid meeting of the next mission which you aren't assigned but need to know about. You leave during the night and meet the boys and hunt the werewolf. The Avengers find out that you killed it....

Requested By: This person states "I love you guys and I love Supernatural. DOn't put my username in here"


"He's been with Hydra for a few days now. We don't know when but he went under a few experiments that labeled him enhanced." One of the agents explain as I fiddle around with my pen. "We've assigned Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers on the mission."

I haven't really been paying attention to anything during this meeting. This pen has had more excited to get out of here and it's not even alive. I've wasted most of my time to this stupid mandatory meeting. "Why are we here if half of us aren't assigned to the case?"

"Incase we need back up after the information is retrieved we may assign you to-"


My phone. I smile, look down and put the guy on voicemail. "As I was saying, you will-"


"I think I'm going to take this." I glance at Steve who is giving me a questioning look. I never take phone calls but if this guy is so persistent than, I have to answer it. I don't even look at the collar idea before I answer. "Y'know, you're the only one in my contacts that has Rolling Stones playing with the ringtone. What's up Dean?"

"We are in the area."

"A hunt?" I question walking away from the meeting doors. "Who ya hunting?"

"A werewolf or two. Figured we drop a dime."

"I hate how your straight to the point. I was in the middle of the meeting you know."

"Yeah, you're rock and roll students."

I laugh, "Okay. Where?"

"I hate New York. So the Blue Rock? Not to far."

"For you. I'll see you there in 3 hours?"

"Make it four. Sammy's a little behind."

"DUDE!" I can hear Sam's complaint and the smack on Dean's arm.

"Alright. See you then."

I put my phone back in my pocket and peek my head through the doors, "I'm going to have to pass the mission but if I need to be apart of it call me. Thanks."

In about 30 minutes I'm back in Steve's and I room packing to go kill the monster. I carefully put my gun and silver bullets into my bag listening to see if Steve shows up. In the nick of time Steve opens the door and grabs a snack.

"Sorry about the meeting." I start, "I have to leave for a few days."

"To where?" Steve crosses his arms leaning up against the counter.

"Downtown New York. Family member."


I smile lightly at the reference, "He went on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a couple of days."

"Your family hunts?"

If I consider my family the Winchesters, "Yes. I'm really sorry but call me in if you have to. I love you!"

Steve smiles and pulls me into a hug, I hug him back. I kinda feel sad lying to him like this but its for his own good, and the rest of the world's own good. A quick peck on the lips and I'm on my way to the Blue Rock.

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