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  • Dedicated to My fwendzz

Text-pranking is one of the easiest pranks to perform because the person you're pranking can't see your face or hear your voice! Perfecto!

But the art of texting iz za troo skill!


Okay, I sounded like an evil genius just then.


Here is an idea I found:

1. First, make sure the person you're pranking doesn't have your phone number, or you're dead

2. Text them with, "We will now upgrade your brain and check for any viruses"

3. Wait for 15 seconds

4. Then, text them with, "Searching..."

5. Wait for 15 seconds

6. Then, text them again with, "Searching..."

7. Wait for 15 seconds

8. Then, text them with, "Still searching..."

9. Wait for 15 seconds (I know, a lot of waiting! Patience, everyone!)

10. Then, text them with, "Oops, sorry. Brain not found."

11. Then, "Please try again."

12. Then, "We are sorry for the inconvenience."

It'll drive them crazy! That's like... *counts*... 7 phone beeps!

I tried this on my friend and it drove her so mad! She was all like, "Studies show that you have no life" and "My time is limited. Tell me who you are or get lost". Man, I just couldn't stop laughing! Luckily, she didn't have my phone number, so... PHEW! But you could tell she was soooooo annoyed. LOL!!!!

And then I told her who I was. She just 'LOL'ed it off.

Oh! Here's another one (EinsteinJunior original!):

1. Again, make sure they don't have your number

2. Text them with the following:

Good morning/afternoon (depending on time of day)

I, Rajan Johail, am text messaging you on behalf of the NSWTCC (New South Wales Tandoori Chicken Company). You are 1 of 10 lucky people to receive this text message! You have won an opportunity to choose any dish from our menu. Please text us your choice and your dish will be ready and delivered to your door!


Rajan Johail

(Or really, just make some random thing up. Maybe you could try Beeg Fattey from Pizza Hut or Whata Doosh from Oporto's. Just anything random and creative!!)

3. They should NOT reply, because, I mean, you shouldn't talk to strangers, right? So, after about two minutes, text them with:

Please reply to the previous text in 10 minutes and confirm your



Rajan Johail

I also tried this one on two of my friends using my mum's phone. Sadly, one of them had my mum's phone number so she instantly knew it was me. But the other friend full on told her older sister about it, and her sister told her to leave it alone and not reply.

Hm, fair enough.

But then I asked her how her weekend was and asked her if she got some weird text talking about the NSWTCC, like what had happened to the other friend, and she ranted on for what seemed like half an hour! I couldn't stop laughing!!!

And then I told her it was me.

BUT! You should have seen her face. Priceless!

Here's another one I found:

Text your friend with the following:

This is the telephone terrorist team. If you have received this message a virus will be activated on your mobile. Your mobile will be fully infected in 10 minutes unless you text back the following code:


BUT! Make sure your friend isn't smart. Hard to do, I know. I'm experienced, you see: I tried this one on a friend, and you know what she replied with? This:


Smart, eh?

Don't worry, I'll punch her for you!

Well, that's all I could find and think of.

Seriously, go ahead and comment on this chapter or any chapter!

I wanna know what pranks you guys want! You could ask for pranks to be pulled on your older sister or brother, younger sister or brother, cousins, friends, anyone!

But don't ask for pranks to pull on Mum and Dad! Please! I'll probably get you grounded for weeks!

Oh, and you have to remember, these aren't original ideas. I will tell you if they are, in brackets. But a lot of them won't be mine.

Acknowledgements: (I don't want to get told off for plagiarism!)

Anyways, bye for now!

Comment and tell me on what you think AND any suggestions!

Lots of Laughs,



There is no PS! Hah! You've just been pranked! Congrats!! *shakes hand and pats on back*

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